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保罗说,是。He said, Yea.

我爸爸?真的吗?My father? Really? Oh, yea.

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是啊。每个人都同意了,除了姚。Yea everyone but Yao's consent.

哦,好耶,好耶!我们得到什么了?Oh, bo yea. bo yea. What do we got?

你说这一个,我说对。And you say just one? And I say yea.

他说…嘿嘿嘿…我们走吧。She said hey, hey, hey yea let's go.

“是的。”老人自信地说。"Yea. "the old man said with confidence.

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我知道你不知道这是什么意思,但耶。I know you don't know what that means but yea.

从你的眼睛里我能看到你若有所失的影踪。I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.

是啊,那就是那个时代因特网的流行趋势啊!Yea the old fashion and old days of the internet.

珍贵的时刻全部遗失于洪流之中。The precious moments all are lost in the tide, yea.

那些珍贵的瞬间消逝于潮水中The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea.

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对,对。你能,你能帮我把它们包起来,比如说用一个盒子。Yea, yea. Could you wrap them for me, like in a box.

而今年,也恰恰是‘先达’成立13周年。Now year, also just is to be reached fit stand 13 yea.

同意关于坦克是否有油的质疑。Yea there is some question about if the ta n k has gas.

每个反对的声音都使我离赞同声更接近。Each nay I hear will bring me closer to the sound of yea.

是啊,我是个机灵的姑娘,说话带有时髦的腔调。Li Yea. I'm a smart girl that speaks with a smart accent.

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由他和他的,所有的承诺上帝是高雅和阿门。By him, and in him, all the promises of God are yea and amen.

林德赛·莱瑟姆和帕里斯·希尔顿都是处女。Yea and Lindsey Latham and Paris Hilton are both virgins too.

所以如果它们下定决心,就能够从一个细缝挤进去。So they can squeeze through a crack yea big if they’re determined.