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佣兵的梦幻组合。The mercenary dream team.

这女人可惟利是图了。This chick's a mercenary.

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他会对你说,我是财迷心窍。He will tell you I am mercenary.

他们来了。佣兵的梦幻组合。There they are. The mercenary dream team.

另外,在酒馆中的雇俑兵团的数量会增加。Also mercenary groups in taverns are larger.

惟利是图者,胸中无美好的品德。virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man.

整整一分钟,雇佣兵没法开口。For a full minute, the mercenary couldn't speak.

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有一个毛里塔尼亚雇佣兵才14岁。There is a Mauritanian mercenary who is 14 years old.

第五幕增加两个雇佣兵名字。Updated two Act 5 mercenary names to Klar and Tryneus.

都巿的生活压力使他变成一个巿侩的人。The pressures of city life make him a mercenary person.

栓子在赵府很快学坏,贪财好色。Emboli in the Zhao Fu soon learn bad, mercenary and sensual.

国王的财富不足以,招募雇佣军There were no kings with the wealth to hire mercenary soldiers.

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华伦斯坦卡现在对酋长新增的佣兵也有效。Wallenstein contract now affects the new WarChiefs mercenary units.

单纯从利益角度而言,这些布朗的救星多数会轻易出卖他们的忠诚。In mercenary terms, most of the saviours sold their loyalty cheaply.

那些唯利是图的人,会杀害我们战士的孩子!These mercenary phalanxes. Would cut down our warrior sons. Good Lord!

身为佣兵团一员的主角,在进入迷宫后却中了陷阱。As a member of the mercenary group, the main character falls into a trap.

加入到这样一种雇佣关系,起码的正直到哪里去了呢?Where is the basic integrity in enteringinto this mercenary relationship?

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蛮族叛乱会清空该省可雇用的雇佣兵。Barbarian uprisings now empty most of the mercenary pool for that province.

一个使用雇佣兵的来自古代的例子就是迦太基人。An example fromantiquity of the use of mercenary troopsis the Carthaginians.

詹姆斯太唯利是图了,他为领取赏钱竟出卖了自己的母亲。James is so mercenary that he'd turn in his own mother for the reward money.