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对你的崇拜不会令整个世界枯竭。Thy worship does not impoverish the world.

过度耕作而使土壤变得贫瘠参见。Impoverish the soil by overuse . See Synonyms at deplete.

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广泛应用“简单化”会让我的生活贫瘠。Applied too broadly, "Keep it simple" would impoverish my life.

难道你们请了我们来,是要夺我们所有的么?Have you invited us here in order to impoverish us? Is it not so?

我们需要减轻导致经济困顿的税收负荷。We need to reduce the burden of taxes that impoverish the economy.

失去了我们的历史,我们自身的一部分将会失去,剩下的一部分也变得贫瘠。In losing our history, we lose part of ourselves and impoverish what is left.

在世界上其他地方,包括埃及和朝鲜等等国家都在压制和剥削他们的民众。Other countries, from Egypt to North Korea, oppress and impoverish their people.

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也许遭受他残酷统治的国家也会受益匪浅。Perhaps the brutalised country he has done so much to impoverish might even benefit too.

另类可以贫穷,他们进一步,如果它不把他们在死亡的危险。The alternative could impoverish them further, if it does not put them at risk of death.

任何地方发生的一件小事,都可能使这个世界走向繁荣,也可以使之变得贫瘠。What happens to the hope of a single child—anywhere—can enrich our world, or impoverish it.

在地球上的任何地方,任何一个小孩子心中的愿望,以及由此产生的一切,都可以使我们的世界要么变得强大、要么变得贫瘠。What happens to the hope of a single child —anywhere —can enrich our world, or impoverish it.

如何对待每一个儿童心中的希望——无论在任何地方——能使我们的世界变得富饶,也能使之变得贫瘠。What happens to the hope of a single child -- anywhere -- can each our world, or impoverish it.

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他们的过分自信不仅导致他们自己贫困,而且导致他们渔场也贫困。Their overconfidence leads them to impoverish not just themselves but also their fishing grounds.

如何对待每一个儿童心中的希望——无论在任何地方——能使我们的世界变得富饶,也能使之变得贫瘠。What happens to the hope of a single child -- anywhere -- can enrich our world, or impoverish it.

如果说这些人有一个目标,那他们所谓的那个目标是极其自私的——通过抗议来使这个世界贫困潦倒。If they had a goal, it was selfish—an attempt to impoverish the emerging world through protectionism.

之后,另一位组员在自己付出一定代价的前提下,可以大量减少对方的财产。After that the other could, at a certain cost to himself, impoverish his opponent to a greater degree.

无疑,我们很快可以听说另外一个由于小麦价格骤降导致非洲农夫破产的危机。We will doubtless soon hear of another “crisis” as plummeting wheat prices impoverish African farmers.

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为了应对海平面上升和其他气候恶化压力而进行的人类迁徙将造成更多人返贫。Large-scale human migrations in response to rising sea levels and other climate-induced stresses will impoverish many people.

很多赌徒在这里变得一文不名,而众多的典当经纪人在里斯本旅馆附近的大街上建立起自己的商店。Many gamblers impoverish themselves here, and it is no coincidence that numerous pawn brokers have set up shop in the streets around the Hotel Lisboa.

他还知道,那些通过伟大的爱情脱离所有私生活的人们自身是得到了丰富,但是这样却使得他们所爱的人日渐凋零。He knows just as well that those who turn away from all personal life through a great love enrich themselves perhaps but certainly impoverish those their love has chosen.