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把阿伽门农称为“人类之王”是再合适不过了。Agamemnon was fittingly called the "king of men".

以他令人敬畏的声名,他也被称为亚瑟潘德拉贡。Fittingly for his formidable reputation, he was also known as Arthur Pendragon.

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第四盘比赛以5-3领先时,费德勒保住了自己的发球局,夺得金牌。Fittingly it was he who had the job of serving for gold at 5-3 in the fourth set.

1937年,一座训练专业圣诞老人的学院甚合适宜地在纽约阿尔比恩成立。Fittingly the first school to train professional Santas was established in Albion N. Y. in 1937.

烟花星系的螺旋近四万光年。Nearly 40, 000 light-years across, the nearby spiral is fittingly referred to as the Fireworks Galaxy.

巧合的是,它降落在贝辛斯托克附近的一棵圣诞树上。It came back down to Earth on a parachute and – fittingly – landed in a Christmas tree plantation near Basingstoke.

恰好位于天文台圆顶上空的是明亮的危宿三星,位于高空的飞马座内。Fittingly poised above the observatory dome is the bright, giant star Enif in the high-flying constellation Pegasus.

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吉奥诺西斯炮台和步枪都是电脑生成的道具,恰到好处地由电脑生成的角色操纵。The Geonosian cannon and rifles were computer-generated props, fittingly brandished by computer-generated characters.

被称为马头星云,它在1500光年远,嵌在巨大的猎户星云复合体中。Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is some 1, 500 light-years distant, embedded in the vast Orion cloud complex.

可怕的飞船适合致命的飞行员,“西斯渗透者”是西斯黑暗尊主达斯·摩尔的私人星际飞船。A fittingly fearsome vessel for its deadly pilot, the Sith Infiltrator is the personal starship of Darth Maul, Dark Lord of the Sith.

一年的时间,迈凯轮也正是在匈牙利用科瓦莱宁替换了阿隆索,签约到2009年底。One year on, McLaren fittingly chose Hungary as the place to confirm Alonso's replacement, Heikki Kovalainen, for another season in 2009.

衡量包围着圣安德烈亚斯断层的动荡,太平洋区今年夏天经历了一系列小地震。Fittingly for an area that encompasses the San Andreas Fault, the Pacific Division experienced a series of jarring tremors this past summer.

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尼克斯投3分的机会还是有的,但最后几分钟,布鲁克斯又适时投进一个3分,所有比赛悬疑都一扫而光。The Knicks remained within a long-shot chance. But in the last minute, Brooks fittingly drained one more 3-pointer to end any lingering doubt.

亚当的苹果也被称为喉结,它位于人体甲状腺的右上方,因此喉结又被形象的成为甲状软骨。Also known as the laryngeal prominence, the Adam's apple sits right on top of the thyroid gland, so the area is fittingly called the thyroid cartilage.

为此,我们推出了本期马来西亚专刊,并将带您了解中国马来西亚商会上海分会在两国领导人互访期间的所见所闻。Fittingly in this edition of Malaysia Special Report for these great events, we will bring you the highlights on MAYCHAM Shanghai's involvement during the two leaders' visits.

最终,在离开户田拓夫的手指27.9秒之后,恰如其名的“空中之王”落地了,结束了这次飞行,飞行时长比前世界纪录还要长0.3秒。Finally, 27.9 seconds after it left Toda's hand, the fittingly named Sky King drifted to the ground, ending a flight 0.3 seconds longer than the previous world record for a paper plane.

小伙子大多露出结实的膀子,都是沙滩装,也有的紧身装,各种妖娆尽显,篝火晚会办得十分热闹。The young man mostly peeps out burly arm, is all sandy beach to pack, also have close fittingly to pack, various flirtatious to the utmost show, the campfire evening party does very noisily.

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对大多数人来说,是时候该去记住那些在2011年2月站起来大声说出心声,并告诉卡扎菲他的时期结束了。Most fittingly of all, it is time to remember the ordinary men and women who stood up in February 2011 against unspeakable odds to make their voices heard and tell Muammar that his time was up.

而他接巴蒂斯塔的胸部传球跟上禁区弧顶左脚抽射,反弹后入右下死角的进球,使他成为了第一位在瓜达拉哈拉新落成的主场享受球迷进球欢呼的球员。Fittingly he rewarded the fans who had come to cheer him by becoming the first player to score at Chivas's new stadium, hitting a left-footed shot into the bottom corner from Bautista's chest-down.

提名陪审团的领导足够适当,台湾R&B王子周杰伦共有六次提名在五种奖项中,同时入围最佳国语流行专辑提名,最佳作曲奖提名和最佳国语男演唱人提名。At the head of the nomination pack is, fittingly enough, Taiwan's R&B prince Jay Chou with six nods in five categories, among them best Mandarin pop album, best composer and best Mandarin male singer.