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我多么希望看过那部电影。I whish I had seen the film.

您呼呼作声架设对前更长。You whish erections to last longer.

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您呼呼作声太很快避免射精。You whish to avoid too soon ejaculations.

我希望早点订货,但人们对服装的喜好变化太快。I whish I could, but the people's tastes for garments change so fast.

对于自己的身体缺陷她感到非常愤怒,她最大的心愿就是能够和正常人一样重见光明。She's very angry about her handicap, and her biggest whish is to be able to see and be normal.

海宝是对五彩缤纷鳃活的向往,对五光十色的生命的祝福,也是中国上海对来自五湖四海朋友的热情邀约。Hai Bao is the whish to colorful life and the warm invitation to friends from all over the world to Shanghai.

他们也期盼能够看到一些传授新知识的科教、生活类节目,以便他们可以将这些知识运用到生活与工作中去。They also whish for science and lifestyle programs that impart new knowledge that they could apply in life and work.

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少数民族学生学习汉语时常常出现语序方面的偏误,影响了他们的语言面貌。Minority Students often have inaccuracy and errors about word order when they learn Chinese whish has affected their perfect use of it.

本文应用层次分析法确定了影响复合顶板分类各因素的权值,并应用模糊数学方法对各因素建立了相应的模式识别模型。In this paper, the weight coefficients of the criteria whish affect the empound roof classification are determined by using the AHP method.

变成日复一日的无聊,日复一日的等待,日复一日的无奈,日子犹如清水穿过水龙头,就这样哗哗地流淌著。Turns day after day bored, day after day waiting, day after day helpless, day like clear water traversing water cock, like this whish whish flow.

文中提到的问题在企业中带有普遍性,希望本文对钢铁行业的渠道建设具有参考价值。The problems mentioned in this paper are universal in this trade and I whish it will be of conference value for the construction of the channels in iron&steel industry.

同时又是开放教育试点中经济类专业的一个薄弱环节,因此加强对该环节中出现的问题进行认真思考与探讨,保证经济类毕业论文质量有一定的现实意义。It is al a weak mint of economics speciality. So how to overcome the problem is worth discussing and exploring, whish has realistic meaning to guarantee the graduation paper of economics speciality.