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这些因素也拥有相关联的确信因子。These elements also have associated sureness factors.

计算确信因子的指导如下Guidelines for calculating sureness factors are as follows

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有朋友陪着,韩东心里踏实多了。Have friend for company, the sureness in Han Dong heart is much.

在鸡身上看到这两种类型的自信非常有趣。It is quite amusing to see the two kinds of sureness in chickens.

就象尾随追踪的凶猛猎狗那么准确,将军跟了上来。Following the trail with the sureness of a bloodhound, came the general.

这个过程将会伴着令人满意的技巧性、安全性和稳妥性而被执行。The process will be executed with great finesses, sureness and certitude.

对确信因子值的判定受到可溯性类型的影响。Decisions about sureness factor values are influenced by traceability type.

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将属性确信因子添加到类型期望和其他相关的需求上Add the attribute sureness factor to the type expectation and other dependent requirements

这样子的话对于那些踏踏实实做网站的企业就太不公平了。The business that the word of this appearance does a website to those sureness is too inequitable.

四个人都一言不发,这样的沉默带着势在必得的意味,实在是比嘈杂的厮打声更有杀伤力。None of them said anything and somehow this silence, the sureness of it, was more lethal than noise.

通过基因工程培育抗虫且对环境安全的杨树新品种,已经成为杨树抗虫基因工程研究的主要方面。It has been a main aspect to cultivate new variety of poplar that is insect-resistant and sureness to enviroment.

另外,我们可以根据先前期望的确信因子来为期望结果分配确信因子。In addition, we can assign a sureness factor to expectation results based on the sureness factors for preceding expectations.

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他眨眨眼,又不见了。他的肩膀轻微的绷紧了。瞬间他第一次感到了一点点踏实感。He blinked, and it was gone. His shoulders straightened slightly. Briefly he felt a tiny sliver of sureness for the first time.

您应该不断地监控并更新期望,包括它们的描述、确信因子和可溯性。You should continuously monitor and update the expectations, including their descriptions, sureness factors, and traceabilities.

首先,它帮助划分需求的优先级,因为您可以将每个特性追溯到期望,并用确信因子标记它们。First, it helps prioritize requirements, because you can trace every feature to expectations and then tag them with a sureness factor.

孔底温度的这一信息参数,在灭火时可为灭火参数的确定、科学地制定灭火方案提供可靠依据。With the collection of the temperature information parameter, it can apply the reliable reference for the sureness of the scheme against fire.

“能迎接绝地来到我们这个世界,真是荣幸之至。”回头之前,魁刚就已经感觉到了,他肯定自己以前听过这个声音。"It is always a pleasure to welcome Jedi to our world. " Qui-Gon felt it before he even turned, the sureness that he had heard that voice before.

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她安静而忙碌地四处咯咯叫着,产蛋,抚育小鸡,带着一种仍然充满自信的焦急的梦想。She went quietly and busily clucking around, laying the eggs and mothering the chickens in a kind of anxious dream that still was full of sureness.

但绿叶的那一道道脉络,牡丹的那一丝丝线条,都确凿无疑地告诉我你在画它们时是多么认真多么专注!But every vein of the green leaf, every line of the peony, just told me with complete sureness how carefully and how devotedly you were drawing then!

由来自专业美术院校的人才组成的设计师团队,追求“大宋怡和”的才华踏实而不虚华的绽放。The design team, consisting of talents from professional academic academies and institutes, pursues the gift, sureness and plainness of "Dasong Yihe".