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你在学校里是属于哪一种类型的?。What "type" were you in school? —Carrie Ann, Walla Walla, Washington.

沃拉,您的ASP项目刚刚被出口到一个可执行文件。Walla , your ASP Project has just been exported to an executable file.

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他1947年出生于华盛顿州瓦拉瓦拉市,接受过传统的表演训练。Born in Walla Walla, Washington in 1947, he trained to be a traditional actor.

华盛顿东南部一城市,位于哥伦比亚河畔沃勒尔的西北偏西。A city of southeast Washington on the Columbia River west-northwest of Walla Walla.

惠特曼是坐落于太平洋西北部华盛顿州瓦拉瓦拉市的一个规模较小的私立学院。Whitman is a small private college in Walla Walla, Washington, in the Pacific Northwest.

德里经办人是印度新德里生活和美食最富洞察力的导游。The Delhi Walla is one of the most insightful guides on life — and food — in India’s capital.

命运特纳,23日,举行了出售她的壁橱中沃拉沃拉,华盛顿州,然后再前往夏威夷。Destiny Turner, 23, held a sale in her closet in Walla Walla, Wash. , before moving to Hawaii.

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西元1836年,惠特曼夫妇在与今天的瓦拉瓦拉地区不远的魏拉普地区的凯尔斯印第安人居住地发起传教团。In 1836, the Whitmans set up a mission among the Cayuse Indians at Waillatpu not far from where Walla Walla is today.

专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供北京到瓦拉瓦拉特价机票。The professional services industry , in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Walla Walla.

塞满了意大利干酪和面包屑吧。The mild, sweet onion varieties, like Vidalia and Walla Walla, are ideal in this dish, where they are stuffed with Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs.

葡萄是否生长在纳帕谷、沃拉沃拉或法国香槟,消费者有权获得他们所购买的葡萄酒来自何地的准确信息。Whether the grapes are grown in NapaValley, Walla Walla, or Champagne, France, consumers have a right to accurate information about where the wine they are purchasing actually comes from.