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一名大学生长的不好看。An undergraduate was not good looking.

但你看,我以前也曾是本科生。Now look, I was an undergraduate once.

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作者是南大学生。The writer is an undergraduate of NTU.

他们会看你的本科GPA。They'll look at your undergraduate GPA.

在校全日制本科生近32000人。Time undergraduate nearly 32000 people.

还没有上大四的大学肄业生。An undergraduate who is not yet a senior.

麦迪尔学院也有大学本科专业。Medill also has an undergraduate program.

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我本身就是如此,以前我是个游泳选手。I did that in undergraduate. I was a swimmer.

这儿也有非常好的本科课程。It also has a very good undergraduate program.

首先,她毕竟缺少一个学士学位。First, her lack of any undergraduate degree whatsoever.

加伯于1973年作为一名本科生首次来到哈佛大学。Garber first came to Harvard in 1973 as an undergraduate.

她本科毕业于南京大学She got her undergraduate degree from Nanjing University.

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但在本科学习的两年中And in about two years into the, my undergraduate process,

此文字是在合适的政策本科课程。This text is suitable for undergraduate courses in policy.

我也知道典型的本科生论文是怎么写的。And I know what it is to write a typical undergraduate paper.

每一年,我都会向我的本科学生们提出这个问题。Each year, I pose this question to my undergraduate students.

他的最终目标是为大学生讨回公道。His ultimate goal was to bring fair back to the undergraduate.

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这一阶段将持续到本科低年级。This stage generally lasts untilthe early undergraduate years.

虽然没有如愿以偿的考上大学部,但是。Although not satisfied, but admitted the undergraduate program.

每天都会有助教去本科生的公共休息室Every day there's going to be a TA in the undergraduate lounge.