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学生对校长出言不逊是粗鲁无礼的。It was rude of a student to sass to the master.

SASS语法仍旧在审核当中,在正式版发布前可能会有一些变化SASS syntax is still under review and may change before release

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修改语法的另一个好处是可以使得CSS工具更容易支持Sass。An added benefit is to make it easier for CSS tools to support Sass.

Sass也允许将混合类型作为参数,使得混合类型的应用更加灵活。Sass also allows to parameterize Mixins, which adds some extra flexibility.

告诉你——要是你再骂我的话,我就用石头砸碎你的脑袋。Say -- if you give me much more of your sass I'll take and bounce a rock off'n your head.

另外还有其他的一些观点,像自然资源保护委员会的詹妮弗.萨斯提出了化学药品暴露这一因素。Others, like Jennifer Sass of the Natural Resources Defense Council, point to chemical exposures.

Sass的一个关键特性是缩进式的语法,这种语法可以产生柱式外观的代码。One of the key features of Sass is its indentation-based syntax, which gives you curly-brace and semi-column free code.

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不仅如此,使用--watch参数,在sass命令行中可以启用自动升级功能。In addition, this auto-update functionality will now be available to the sass command-line utility via the new flag --watch.

Sass的解析器和翻译器将Sass语言翻译成CSS,并且用变量值替换文件中变量的引用以及混合类型等等。Sass' hand written parser and translator turn Sass into CSS with variable values replacing their references, mixins expanded etc.

萨斯和Felthous在年会的一次共同演讲上探讨了精神病理障碍和犯罪责任的问题。Sass and Felthous discussed the issue of psychopathic disordersand criminal responsibility in a combined lecture at the annualmeeting.

在盆栽试验条件下,研究了氮肥不同用量和氮、钾配施对大青菜产量、品质和生理指标的影响。Pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of nitrogen and potassium on the yield quality and physiology indices of garden sass.

当你的孩子以轻率、无礼的方式顶嘴时,当你的孩子爱顶嘴和爱说狂妄的话的问题日趋严重,你必须承认那是个错误。Your tween is talking back in a flippant, disrespectful manner. While tween back-talk and sass are on the rise, allowing it is a huge mistake.