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西塞罗城是怎么来的How would you have had Cicero?

古罗马演说家、政治家西塞罗.M.T。M. T Cicero. Ancient Roman orator and statesman.

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西塞罗将这种态度看成是正义。This attitude was equated with justice by Cicero.

我们可比较西塞禄跟晚期的西尼卡或马苦士。One can compare Cicero to the later Seneca or Marcu Aurelius.

西塞罗首先警告我们要注意萎靡不振的危险。So, Cicero first warned us against the danger of being lackadaisical.

安谛巴特洛斯是古代希腊的诗人,与古代罗马的西塞罗是同时代人。Antipatros was an ancient Greek poet of the time of ancient Rome Cicero.

正如西塞罗所描绘的,“他把哲学从天上拉了下来。”As Cicero eloquently put it, "He brought philosophy down from the skies.

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这些人自己加入西塞罗,因为他们一致敬重他。These men joined Cicero with themselves, for they had always esteemed him.

孔子和西塞罗是古代中国和罗马著名的政治家和思想家。Confucius and Cicero were statesmen and ideologists of ancient China and Rome.

罗马文化作品十分的丰厚,如西塞罗就留下了57篇演讲稿和800多篇书信。Rome cultural works are very rich, such as Cicero with 57 speeches and more than 800 letters.

它就是西塞罗能够记住整篇演讲,而中世纪的学者们如何记住了整篇文章的原因。It's actually how Cicero remembered his speeches, how medieval scholars memorized entire texts.

西塞罗断言,此次入侵造成罗马巨大的货币损失,致使罗马自毁了信用。Cicero claimed the invasion caused the loss of so much Roman money that credit was destroyed in Rome itself.

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心灵上的疾病比身体上的疾病更危险。——古罗马演说家、政治家西塞罗.M.T。Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body. M. T Cicero. Ancient Roman orator and statesman.

罗马政治家和阴谋家,在西塞罗执政时期领导了颠覆罗马共和国的反叛运动,最后以失败告终。Roman politician and conspirator who led an unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic while Cicero was a consul.

可是佐伊尔和西塞罗是两回事,西塞罗用思想来裁判,布鲁图斯以利剑来裁判。But Zoilus and Cicero are two different persons. Cicero is an arbiter in thought, just as Brutus is an arbiter by the sword.

克丽奥佩托曾答应西塞罗给他一个手抄本---大概是亚历山大港藏书室里的---但是她忘记了。Cleopatra had promised Cicero a manuscript — it may have been one from her library in Alexandria — on which she failed to deliver.

从单方面来看,依据西塞罗所言,雄辩术的目的是鼓动导致政治行动的情绪。On the one hand, stirring the emotions is the object of oratory in that it is emotion that leads to political action, according to Cicero.

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西塞罗认为更加现代的拉丁语能够解决并澄清希腊哲学中的问题,同时对于一个现代的读者会更有吸引力。Cicero felt that the more modern Latin language could resolve and clarify the problems of Greek philosophy, as well as make it more appealing to

和柯林顿或是之前的布莱尔一样,西赛罗拥有独特的魅力可以打动群众,也异常懂得如何观察并且利用民意。Like Bill Clinton or, until recently, Tony Blair, Cicero had a charm that dazzled his audiences and an uncanny ability to capture and ride the wave of popular opinion.

且不曰荷马、维吉尔、但丁及莎士比亚,即或柏拉图、西塞罗、培根及伏尔泰,与其相较,阿姆逊概不能称文学之响慕人物。Without speaking of Homer, Virgil Dante and Shakespeare, Emerson is not a great name in literature even as Plato, Cicero Bacon and Voltaire are great names in literature.