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你会为洛克辩护吗?Are you going to defend Locke?

好,现在我们来谈谈约翰洛克。Ok, now we come to John Locke.

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此外,洛克还是波义耳的朋友。Now, Locke was a friend of Boyle.

再来一个为洛克辩护的,你来。One more defender of Locke. Go ahead.

它最早出自于洛克那些人It comes out of Locke and those folks.

洛克是反对专制政府的。Locke is against arbitrary government.

我们的教练是塔兹。The coach working with us was Tates Locke.

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托马斯·杰斐逊引用了洛克的这个观点。Thomas Jefferson drew on this idea of Locke.

那么洛克对此是怎么说的,你来说?All right, so what does Locke say there? Yes?

洛克一般讨论的是纯物质。Locke talked about pure substance in general.

我提到过,洛克是个不可知论者。I have mentioned that Locke was very agnostic.

洛克并没有说过你需要签署什么。I don't think Locke says you have to sign anything.

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他们说对于骆家辉的报道不要事无巨细。They said not to cover everything about Gary Locke.

美国参议院骆家辉作为驻中国大使。U. S. Senate OKs Gary Locke as ambassador to China.

奥巴马提名骆家辉为商务部长。Mr Obama nominated Gary Locke as commerce secretary.

“我家族的故事就是一个美国故事”,骆家辉说。"My family's story is America's story, " Locke said.

有人来为洛克的这一观点辩护吗?Is there someone who will defend Locke on that point?

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洛克也极为活跃的宗教事务。Locke was also extremely active in religious affairs.

康律师和美国商务部长骆家辉先生。U. S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke with Mr. Hong.

他借鉴了另一位更早期的哲学家,约翰·洛克。He borrows it from an earlier philosopher, John Locke.