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标题中国泥炭属植物的初步观察。A preliminary study of the Chinese Sphagnum.

标题几种国产泥炭藓孢子形态的研究。Studies on spore morphology of some Chinese Sphagnum L.

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专业的园艺栽培基质-诺万播,源于优质的泥炭藓资源。The Novarbo Substrates for professional horticulture are based on sphagnum peat.

泥炭与泥炭作的草皮,以维持良好的水和养分的有机表面。Peat and sphagnum make a good organic surface for turf that will retain water and nutrients.

以泥炭藓植物残体为主的高位泥炭,是古气候研究的重要佐证。Migh -level peat dominated by Sphagnum residue is an important evidence forpaleodimatic change.

不要把种子埋起来,然后如果可以的话用切过的活水苔来种,发芽效果最佳。Don't burytheseed. If you have it, use sphagnum. Chopped live sphagnum works best for germinating seeds.

欧洲和北美相继开展了在泥炭开采迹地种植泥炭藓的实验研究。Europe and North America launched experiments in planting Sphagnum at peat exploiting slashes in succession.

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重点阐述了用不同类型的泥炭处理含铬废水的效果,论证了净化能力以泥炭藓泥炭为最佳,其次是高有机质的草本泥炭。Sphagnum peat is the best on the capacity of purification and herbaceous peat with high organism is on the second place.

种子经混合处理各种不同水苔含水率后储藏,其处理间之种子储藏活力并无显著差异。Seeds stored in sphagnum with different moisture contents showed no significant differences in storability among treatments.

添加到冬眠容器中的苔藓和有机土的混合物,混合物要添充到距离盒顶大约5英寸处,底层至少有2英尺深。Add the mixture of sphagnum moss and organic soil. Filling to within roughly 5 inches of the top. Substrate should be at least 2 feet deep.

认可的包装素材应由泥炭苔、水藓苔、珍珠岩、蛭石、锯木屑、碎纸及其他填充物。Approved packing material may consist of sterile peat moss, sphagnum moss, perlite, vermiculite, sawdust, shredded paper or other inert materials.

瓶子草往往居住在长年潮溼的沼泽、溼地、平原,这些栖地的土壤通常为酸性的,由沙和水苔组成。Sarracenia tend to inhabit permanently wet fens, swamps, and grassy plains. These habitats tend to be acidic with soil made up of sand and Sphagnum moss.

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偶尔喷洒或加点水可以保持湿度,因为有泥碳藓混在其中,可以使基质经过较长时间而不需要给它保湿。Occasional spraying or adding of water will keep it moist. With the sphagnum mixed in, a far longer period can pass without having to re-moisten the substrate.

本文旨在探讨不同时期采收的长叶木姜子种子在不同水苔含水率处理下进行低温储藏,以研究种子的储藏能力。This study examined the storability of Litsea acuminata seeds which were harvested at different dates and stored at 5℃ in sphagnum with different moisture contents.

2006年,科考人员在地处亚热带的鄂西七姊妹山、二仙岩和寒池等地先后发现了三处亚高山泥炭藓沼泽。From 2005 to 2006,3 subalpine sphagnum mires were discovered successively at Qizimei Mountains, Erxianyan and Haichi in subtropical regions in Western Hubei province.

我公司位于江西赣州,常年大量供应天然的染色和未染色的苔藓草、青苔草、水苔草、价廉质优!My company is located in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, a large number of year-round supply of natural dyeing and not stained with moss grass, moss, grass, sphagnum grass, low price and high quality!