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我有一个猕猴桃和一个甜瓜。Jag har en kiwi och en melon.

用挖球器将哈蜜瓜挖成球状,备用。Dig honey dew melon to be balls.

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西瓜汁怎么样?How about some water melon juice?

在清华吃午饭时,咱们吃了哈蜜瓜。We get melon to lunch at educate.

在学校吃午饭时,我们学校了哈蜜瓜。We had melon for lunch at school.

妈妈手上拿着许多只黄金瓜。Mom had a lot of melon on her hands.

种瓜得瓜,偷瓜不易。Swiping a melon isn't all that easy.

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这个哈密瓜特别甜。This honey-dew melon is especially sweet.

而且我是用半价买了这个西瓜。And I bought this melon at half the price.

西瓜在一瞬间气化了。In a split second the melon is vapourised.

不倒瓤,不易裂瓜,瓜码密。Not good, not cracked melons, melon yards.

好的,加思,坐在这儿。他要把那个东西放在你的脑袋上,行吗?He's gonna put that thing on your melon OK?

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我们一家三口便坐车来到瓜渚湖畔。We then drove to a three melon Nagisa Lake.

能把西瓜给我们吗?小家伙饿坏了。Can we have our melon back? Junior's hungry.

极早熟纯薄皮甜瓜杂交种。Extremely thin skin melon hybrid early pure.

冬瓜也是减肥圣品唷!Yo melon is also a weight-loss products saint!

请问你要苹果汁还是西瓜汁?Would you like the juice of apple or water melon?

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挖空一个甜瓜,在上面挖一个小洞,把它挂在天花板上荡来荡去。Hollow out a melon. Make a small hole in the side.

商品瓜籽小,耐贮运。Commodity melon seeds small, good shipping quality.

到底是瓜熟地落还是枯黄凋落?是百年好合还是含恨终生?In the end is off or yellow melon Rehmannia litter?