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洪水冲坍了那座堤坝。The floods caved in that dike.

堤坝在洪水中屹立不动。The dike held during the flood.

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岩脉群汇聚于西西班牙峰。The dike swarm converges on West Spanish peak.

他们想筑堤保护田地以防止洪水。They want to dike the land to protect it from water.

第一道堤由诗人白居易于821年所建。The first dike was built in AD 821 by the poet Bai Juyi.

使堤防标准得以提高,江堤防洪能力增强。Thus dike is advanced to a higher standard to prevent flood.

农民们挖了一条深沟把水引到稻田里。The farmers dug a deep dike to carry water to the rice field.

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意大利威尼斯与亚得里亚海仅有一道沙堤相隔。There is only a sand dike between Venice of Italy and Adriatic Sea.

然后求出了丁坝问题的摄动解。The asymptotic solutions to the problem of a spur dike are obtained.

西湖看起来朦朦胧胧的,苏堤也只能隐约看到一半。West Lake seemed blurry, and you could only faintly see half of Su Dike.

苏堤、白堤恰似两条葱绿呆在湖面上飘动。Su Dike and Bai Dike are undulating on the lake like two verdant ribbons.

汛期快到了,村里的圩埂需要加固了。The flood season is approaching, so the dike in our village needs reinforcing.

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以福安垸为例,探讨高喷灌浆技术在管涌治理中的应用。High-pressure jet grouting was adopted in piping treatment project of Fuan dike.

就容积而言,现在环绕这座尾矿池的砂坝,已经成为全世界最大的坝堤之一。The sand dike that contains it is by volume one of the largest dams in the world.

用土工网制作石笼,应用于堤坝可以防止塌方。The stone cage , made of geonet , can prevent collapsing when being used in dike.

那些不走正直之路,正义之路,上帝之路的人又将如何呢What about those who don't follow the path of righteousness, of justice, of Dike?

本文探讨荆江大堤堤基管涌和管涌破坏的机理。The mechanism of piping and piping failure in Jingjiang Dike foundation is studied.

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它看上去十分像围绕由两班牙峰和岩脉山所构成的轮毂的轮辐。It is much as spokes of wheels around hubs formed by spanish peaks and dike mountain.

这些结论对丁坝的防护设计和施工工艺具有一定的理论和实践指导意义。These conclusions are practically useful to the design and construction of spur dike.

本文方法较通常紊流模型及原参数解简便,为丁坝绕流数值模拟的一条新途径。This paper develops a new method for numerical simulation on spur dike circumfluence.