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现在我该回家了,赫思特太太。I'd better go home now, Mrs Hurst.

赫斯脱先生惊奇地朝她望了一下。Hurst looked at her with astonishment.

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赫斯脱先生惊奇地朝她望了一下。Mr. Hurst looked at her with astonishment.

达西先生说话不多,赫斯脱先生完全一言不发。Mr. Darcy said very little, and Mr. Hurst nothing at all.

我知道你父亲信任你品行好,又有决断,你切不可叫他失望。Hurst were going out. I dare say I shall soon see them here.

赫斯特想如果让艾莉来为自己剪头发或许会有点帮助。Hurst thought it might help if she involved Ellie in the haircut.

“后来她安静下来,一直摸着我的头,”赫斯特说。"She was calm afterwards and she kept rubbing my head," Hurst said.

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如果您有没有看到45赫斯特路新的住房,这里是你的机会!If you haven't seen the new shelter at 45 Hurst Way, here's your chance!

去年十月,在癌症确诊两个星期后,赫斯特告诉了艾莉这个消息。Two weeks after her diagnosis last October, Hurst broke the news to Ellie.

赫斯特伍德错把一切资产记在细君名下,使自身堕入窘境。Hurst wood wrong all property in his wife's name, make yourself into a corner.

赫斯脱先生和彬格莱先生在打“皮克牌”,赫斯脱太太在一旁看他们打。Mr. Hurst and Mr. Bingley were at piquet, and Mrs. Hurst was observing their game.

也有可能人们在禁令前囤积氟氯碳化物。」贺斯特教授表示。It is also possible that people stockpiled CFCs before the ban, " said Prof Hurst."

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他们正谈得起劲和时候,忽然看见赫斯脱太太和伊丽莎白从另外一条路走过来。At that moment they were met from another walk, by Mrs. Hurst and Elizabeth herself.

我想有一个很大的房子和很大的游泳池,树林。I want to daydream about have a big house with a big swimming pool and hurst motte wood.

我这一次拜望的时间并不太久,因为珈罗琳和赫斯脱太太都要出去。I wish I could see her. My visit was not long, as Caroline and Mrs. Hurst were going out.

喝过茶以后,赫斯脱先生提醒她的小姨子把牌桌摆好,可是没有用。When tea was over, Mr. Hurst reminded his sister-in-law of the card-table -- but in vain.

嘉莉去芝加哥的火车上初遇杜洛埃,后成为他的情妇,又经历他的清楚赫斯特伍德。Carrie to Chicago on the train, he became his mistress, and by his understanding hurst wood.

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他发现她叫芭丝谢芭·伊芙丁,她与她的姑妈赫思特太太住在一起。He discovered that her name was Bathsheba Everdene, and that she lived with her aunt, Mrs Hurst.

Hurst更喜欢韩国城二楼的izakayas,因为那里比较便宜,也很随意有趣。Hurst prefers "izakayas" on the second floors in Koreatown, because they're cheap, casual and fun.

「我们以为储量已经空了,但结果却让我们很惊讶。」贺斯特教授表示。"It was a great surprise as we expected the reservoirs to be exhausted by now, " said Professor Hurst.