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他本来是住在城里的大书商。McConnell was a big city bookseller.

老客户现在做图书生意。你说,她已创业成为书商。She has set up. in business as a bookseller.

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我比任何人想的都多,因为我是一个书商。I think more than anyone else because I'm a bookseller.

在男孩说完最后一句话,这售书员好奇地看着他。At the boy's last remark, the bookseller looked at him curiously.

他的妻子遇到了痴情的风度翩翩的书商并开始了浪漫的爱情。His wife meets a loving and gentle bookseller and starts a romance.

每一个书商都知道这点,禁止某一种书刊只会使得大家都想去阅读。AS EVERY bookseller knows, banning a publication only makes everyone want to read it.

我同在线书店亚马逊电子商务公司的首席执行官杰夫.贝索斯特有相同的观点。I share the same view with Jeff Bezos, chief executive of online bookseller

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售货员告诉Chatwin制造商已经过世而他的继承人卖掉了。The bookseller tells Chatwin that the manufacturer had died and his heirs sold the business.

我同在线书店亚马逊电子商务公司的首席执行官杰夫。I share the same view with Jeff Bezos, chief executive of online bookseller Amazon. dot. com.

如果我读了以后感觉不错,我就会从亚马逊或者附近的书店买它的实体书。If I like what I read, I'll purchase the print edition from Amazon or at my local bookseller.

昔日我读过一篇关于一名死于汽车爆炸案的巴格达的伊拉克人书商的文章。Some time ago I read an appreciation about an Iraqi bookseller in Baghdad who had been killed in a car bombing.

本星期,世界上最大的书店巴恩斯—诺布尔公司推出号称世界上最大的电子书店。This week, Barnes &Noble, the world 's largest bookseller , launched what it calls the world 's largest e-bookstore.

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一位书商觉得卖盗版有点良心不安,于是他将利润的一小部分给了劳伦斯。One bookseller felt guilty about selling an unauthorized novel, so he sent Lawrence a small percentage of the profits.

线上书店亚马逊上周说,这本51年前的书需求量在近几日大幅上升。Online bookseller Amazon. com said last week that demand for the 51-year-old novel has risen dramatically in recent days.

有这个男孩最后的谈论中,这位书商很好奇地看著他。我告诉他,我在其它五个地方的所见所闻。书商给了他一支漂亮的铅笔和一些书写纸。At the boy 's last remark, the bookseller looked at him curiously. I told him what I had seen and heard at the five other places.

在1895年早期,机械商劳林和书商克莱门特开始在姆来达博莱斯拉夫生产自行车“斯拉维姆”。At the beginning of 1895 mechanic Václav Laurin and bookseller Václav Klement began producing bicycles "Slavia" in Mlada Boleslav.

当这个暴徒发现的时候,如我预料的一样,他杀了那个书商但是你绝对难以相信他的妻子所做的。When the mobster finds out, it won't be shocking for me to say he kills the bookseller but you will not believe what the wife did.

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一个直率的纽约女作家,一个刻板的多的伦敦书商,在前后二十年里两人经历了漫长而深入的通信。For 20 years, an outspoken New York writer and a rather more restrained London bookseller carried on an increasingly touching correspondence.

除此以外,在活着的人中,他只有一个常来往的知心朋友,圣雅克门的一个开书店的老头,叫鲁瓦约尔。Add to this, that he had no other friendship, no other acquaintance among the living, than an old bookseller of the Porte-Saint-Jacques, named Royal.

除此以外,在活着的人中,他只有一个常来往的知心朋友,圣雅克门的一个开书店的老头,叫鲁瓦约尔。Add to this, that he had no other friendship, no other acquaintance among the living, than an old bookseller of the Porte -Saint-Jacques, named Royal.