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然后路就会打开。Then the pathway opens.

对路径A,它们的符号是相反的。They're opposites for the pathway A.

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这条通路由磷酸化来控制。This pathway operates by phosphorylation.

2000年,德国为公民权开辟了一条新路。In 2000 it opened a pathway to citizenship.

这是最终摆脱贫困的途径。That’s ultimately the pathway out of poverty.

这是路径B和C的,在C中功是零。Here's pathway B and C. In C the work is zero.

以TGF信号通路为靶点的治疗。TGF signaling pathway as a target of treatment.

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他们沿着小路向那所房子走去。They walked along the pathway toward the house.

氮素形态使作物体内呼吸途径改变,并可改变呼吸商。The N form could change the pathway of respiration.

该路径还可以说明语言是如何进化的。The pathway could also elucidate how language evolved.

对大豆花粉管通道技术进行深入研究。Research on soybean pollen tube pathway was carried out.

分析了催化臭氧化过程的反应途径。The reaction pathway of catalytic ozonation is analyzed.

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而这种重吸收作用受损就会导致蛋白尿发生。Dysfunction of this retrieval pathway leads to albuminuria.

慢慢地,他引着风鹿进入用帘子隔开的通道。Gradually, he led the wind-deer into the curtained-off pathway.

这条摆在我前面的道路,只有天父知晓。The pathway that lies before me, Only my heavenly Father knows.

你通过中脉的路径而提升,并且进入那里去。Through the pathway of Sushumna, Thou dost ascend and enter there.

而DNP处理则降低交替呼吸途径容量。DNP treatment reduced the alternative respiration pathway capacity.

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它就是在髓细胞的发育过程中,发挥刺激生成作用的So it stimulates these myeloid cells to develop along this pathway.

无论如何,结果还是喜人的,并打开一条研究的新路。Still, the results are encouraging, opening a new pathway of study.

提出了环己酮在这类催化剂上双聚反应的机理。Reaction pathway of cyclohexanone over these catalysts was presented.