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我们就去”。We went.

她去了。She went.

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我走了进去。I went in.

这样他就去了。So he went.

于是我去了。I went over.

他去同珀金斯先生告别。He went to Mr.

他钓鱼去了。He went fishing.

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他去嫖娼。He went whoring.

纳尼娜出去了。Nanine went out.

他便回往继续睡他的觉。He went to sleep.

我柔声继续说道。I went on softly.

我去空中跳伞了。I went sky-diving.

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太阳落下去。The sun went down.

去钓鱼。They went fishing.

他们去了。They went thither.

我们去大甲。We went to Da-Jia.

他下楼去。He went downstairs.

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所以他也去了那里He went there, too.

好了,我们从C到D了So, we went C to D.

我们一起去的。We went in company.