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漫步和散步是一项轻罪。Ambling and strolling is a misdemeanor.

他面临跟踪和骚扰等数宗轻罪指控。He faces misdemeanor counts of stalking and harassment.

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有时,根据犯罪情节不同,同样的罪名可能判重刑也可能轻判。For example, the first offense of a crime may be a misdemeanor.

她们被指控犯了不良行为罪,一种轻罪。They are charged criminally with reckless conduct, a misdemeanor.

她因明知吊销执照而继续驾车出行而再次被检方起诉。She was ticketed for misdemeanor driving with a suspended license.

警方现已将此案定性为谎报案情的轻罪行为。The case is now being investigated as filing a false report, a misdemeanor.

然而,在一个州中是轻罪的在另一个州就有可能成为重罪。However, what may be a misdemeanor in one state could be a felony in another.

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有时,根据犯罪情节不同,同样的罪名可能判重刑也可能轻判。However, the same offense might be either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on its degree.

密歇根州一名妇女被控犯有可判入狱93天的轻罪。A Michigan woman is being charged with a misdemeanor offense and is facing up to 93 days in jail.

法官驳回了原来10年有期徒刑的判罚,转而对该男子从轻判决。The judge voided the original ten-year prison sentence, instead finding the man guilty of a misdemeanor.

进行伪造是犯重罪,但超速驾驶属于轻罪。Committing a forgery is a felony, but driving an automobile in excess of the speed limit is a misdemeanor.

检查官说他有可能会被七起严重和一起轻一点的罪控告。The district attorney says he expects Simpson to be charged with seven felonies and one gross misdemeanor.

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未成年人或者十八周岁以下的人,所犯的罪行为轻罪通常在少年法庭接受审判。Juveniles or people under the age of eighteen are usually tried in a juvenile court for misdemeanor offenses.

在日本暴露自己显然受制于公开猥亵罪的范围或轻罪。Exposing yourself in Japan would apparently come under the ambit of a public indecency crime or a misdemeanor.

未成年人十八周岁以下的人,所犯的罪行为轻罪通常在少年法庭接受审判。Juveniles , or people under the age of eighteen, are usually tried in a juvenile court for misdemeanor offenses.

在国旗上涂绘“可能激发暴力报复的”内容形成二级轻罪。A class 2 misdemeanor occurs if one places a mark upon a flag which is " likely to provoke physical retaliation ".

在刑事辩护活动中,提出无罪或罪轻的证据不应当是辩护人的责任。In criminal cases, presenting evidence of innocence or misdemeanor should not be the responsibility of the counsels.

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他已经被警察带走无数次了。2001年,他在波特兰的一间酒吧里攻击了一个人,被控犯有轻微伤害罪。He has been arrested numerous times, and in 2001 he was convicted for misdemeanor assault after attacking a man in a Portland bar.

这条法令由拉斯维加斯市理事会全体成员一致通过,它与在公共场所洗澡将被处以轻罪的法令同属一法案。It was passed unanimously by the Las Vegas City Council as part of a bill making it a misdemeanor to go to the bathroom in public.

六月份,他对自己所犯的三度轻罪并未抗辩,获十七天到三十天的刑期——这是他第一次也是最后一次进监狱。In June, he pleaded no contest to third-degree misdemeanor assault, which gave him 17 to 30 days in jail—a sentence he has yet to serve.