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第1版的GPL就是为防止这两种手段而设计的.GPL version 1 was designed to prevent those two methods.

于是我们设计了第3版的GPL以阻止这两类对我们的自由的侵袭.We designed GPL version 3 to block these two attacks on our freedom.

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整个源代码压缩包是完全免费的,许可发布遵循GPL和MIT。The whole bundled package is free of charge, dual licensed under GPL and MIT.

GPL允许我以不公开协定开发一个修改版本吗?Does the GPL allow me to develop a modified version under a nondisclosure agreement?

对GPL的恐惧往往是受外部利益驱使,但我们也在尽可能使他们能受益。The fear of the GPL is driven by outside interests, but we tend to make it easy for them.

这些典型的GPL特性包括面向对象编程、if指令和for循环等等。Such typical GPL features include object-oriented programming, if-statements and for-loops.

基于GPL代码基础,它支持易于的安装和运行在线存储。Built on a foundation of oscommerce GPL code it will provide an easy to set-up and run online store.

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比如,他们想让我切换到GPL许可协议下,否则他们将认为我违反了他们的许可协议。For instance they wanted me to switch to GPL or else they would find me in violation of their license.

我更愿意看到百花齐放的局面,希望能相互欣赏借鉴,感谢GPL。I would like to see more diversification, hoping to learn more and appreciate each other, thanks to GPL.

他说,所以他一直很满意切换到通用公共许可证,这是一个公平而成功的许可证。So he has always been happy with the switch to the GPL which, he said, is a fair and successful license.

我们几乎所有支持的协议都是用libpurple来实现的,它是由Pidgin项目开发的一个GPL即时消息库。We use libpurple, a GPL instant-messaging library by the Pidgin project, for almost all of our protocol support.

图形库的最大特点是采用了分割式绘图要素法,利用功能很强的GPL绘图语言编程。The salient features of the graphic base are its partable drawing fashion, and powerful GPL programming language.

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至于TomTom,他们未能遵守GPL义务,使他人可以享用他们的工作。In the case of TomTom, they had failed to comply with the obligations of the GPL in making their work available for others.

其他一些免费的软件程序是双下已领取牌照的多个许可证,往往是其中一个牌照被GPL的。Some other free software programs are dual-licensed under multiple licenses , often with one of the licenses being the GPL.

这种阐释的技巧是一个非常聪明的叫“著左权”的发明,通过一个叫GPL的许可证实施。The mechanism of this rendering is an extraordinarily clever device called " copyleft" implemented through a license called GPL.

“GPL的执行,最大的绊脚石就是人们的误解,也就是认为开源行为对于商业是有害而无益的,”他说。"The primary enforcement gravity of the GPL is everyone's understanding that anti-community behavior is bad for business, " he said.

对每个程序库应用LGPL一段时间进行考察是个不错的主意,看它是否有帮助,如果LGPL没有帮助那就改回GPL上来。It would be nice to try out the LGPL on each library for a while, see whether it helps, and change back to the GPL if the LGPL didn't help.

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如你所知,目前的平台JSR有规范许可,ri与tck是由JCP发布的,但其许可条款却与GPL冲突。As you know the current platform JSRs have licenses for the spec, ri and tck published by the JCP under terms that are in conflict with the GPL.

需要特别注意的是缺省队列对所有驱动程序来说都是可用的,但是只有经过GP许可的驱动程序可以用自定义的工作队列An important note is that the default queue is available to all drivers, but only GPL licensed drivers can use their own custom-defined workqueues

那就是说有一千五百二十八个人在倾注他们的心血,投入到我们共同拥有,共同开发的基于通用公共许可证发布的软件。我们可以任意使用,可以使其更好。That's 1,528 people pouring their hearts and souls into GPL software we all own, we all build on, we can use as we please, we can all make better.