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本文研究了一种取代铬鞣的有机鞣法。In this paper, organic tannages were investigated to replace chrome tannage.

文从环境保护的观点讨论了铬鞣法。From viewpoint of environmental protection, the chromium tannage is discussed.

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本文研究植物鞣剂──合成鞣剂结合鞣法。In this paper, combination tannage of vegetable tannin and syntan had been studied.

主要研究了几种新型无铬鞣剂的鞣性及其在无铬、少铬鞣中的应用。In this paper, new type of tanning agents for free-chrome and semi-chrome tannage were studied.

应用结果表明,该鞣剂是当前较为理想的白色革复鞣剂。Application result shows that the said syntan is a good retanning agent for white leather tannage.

对近代无铬结合鞣理论与工艺的探索、研究现状以及无铬结合鞣的发展前景作了综述。The study and current technology of chrome-free combination tannage and the developing trend of the tannage were investigated.

研究了树脂鞣剂、改性戊二醛鞣剂预鞣,铝-铬结合少铬鞣制轻革的工艺及方法。The chrome reduced tannage with resin tanning agent and modified glutaraldehyde pretanning, and combination Al-Cr tanning were investigated.

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本次试验采用层析法,紫外分光光度法,红外光谱法,对植—铝结合鞣中的水解类鞣质与铝的作用进行了研究。Worked by Chromatography, UV spectroscopy and IR Spectroscopy on effect of hydrolysable. tannins and aluminum for vegetable and aluminum combination tannage.

利用不同的实验材料提取适合研究的DNA是保护遗传学研究的基础,而对于鞣制皮革,用常规的DNA提取方法很难提到适合于研究的DNA样品。DNA extraction from different specimens is the foundation of conservation genetics. It is difficult to extract total DNA from tannage of Chinese alligator with usual method.

指出了油鞣技术研究的发展趋势,并展望了油鞣革的应用前景,其目的是为新型油鞣技术的开发提供参考。The trend of further study on oil tanning was discussed. The application prospect of chamois was reported too. All these will provide some references for developing the new oil tannage.

为减少铬鞣带来的环境问题,本文从减少污染的途径着手综述了无铬、少铬鞣法研究的进展。In order to eliminate environmental issues imposed by chrome tannage, developing researches on tannage free of chrome or less-chrome were summarized by means of reducing pollution methods.

就塔拉栲胶、磺化加脂剂在无铬鞣中,特别是植铝鞣的鞣制及以后工序对其所鞣革的影响作了一些研究,主要针对在工业上的应用。In this paper, it has been studied that TARA extract and sulphonated fat-liquor are used in the chrome-free process, especially vegetable-aluminium tannage in order to apply it in the tannery.

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本文详细介绍了几种常见的基本有机鞣剂,对它们的鞣制机理也进行了详细的阐述,同时还对不同类的材料举例说明其应用方法。Several organic tanning agents were introduced in detail about their characteristics and the mechanism of tannage. Some examples are also given to explain the application of these tanning agents.