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那么诗呢?And the poem?

这首诗读起来琅琅上口。This poem read well.

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如诗似画!A poem like painting!

他即席赋诗。He knocks off a poem.

这首诗读来顺耳。This poem reads well.

她即兴吟了一首诗。She dashed out a poem.

应该是诗歌吧?Should it be the poem?

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美如玉树的诗章。A poem lovely as a tree.

靑春,苍白如诗。Youth , as pale as poem.

这是海洋的礼赞。And this is ocean's poem.

这首诗是个童话故事。The poem is a fairy tale.

她是一首未完的诗。She is an unfinished poem.

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这首诗有五个小节。The poem has five stanzas.

我可以把这首诗改得更好。I can improve on this poem.

它是一首能彪炳若干世纪的佳作。It was a poem of centuries.

序曲还是交响诗?。Overture or symphonic poem?

读诗和写诗都是如此?Reading and writing a poem?

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这首诗有五小节。This poem has five stanzas.

他把他的这首诗歌叫做打油诗。He styled his poem doggerel.

说着他就伸手去拿我那一首诗。He was reaching for my poem.