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谁是女权主义的领导人?Who was the leader of feminism?

女权主义不仅仅是关于女性。Feminism is not just about women.

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我在读关于女权主义的书。I'm reading a book about feminism.

美国的女性主义有一个男人的问题。American feminism has a man problem.

那种给女权运动招来讥嘲的人。The sort who drew sneers about feminism.

在中国,女权主义确实被误解了。In China, feminism is really misunderstood.

在女权主义,他找到了一位“亚马孙”自供状。In feminism he found an "amazonian" element.

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科尔曼支持伊斯兰女权运动。Ms Coleman makes the case for Islamic feminism.

同时也是对西方女性主义理论的再创造。Meanwhile, it is the reinvention of western feminism.

其中一个让我印象深刻的原因是激进的女权主义。One reason that really struck me was radical feminism.

你最初是如何接触到女权主义和激进女权主义的?How did you first learn about feminism and radical feminism?

最后,论述女性主义后现代转向的必然趋势。Finally, I'll write about the turning to Post-modem Feminism.

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如果你觉得被女人攻击,很可能是女人对你的反击!If you feel attacked by feminism it's probably a counter-attack!

他们认为争取女权运动仅仅适用于女同性恋和憎恨男人的女人。They may feel that feminism is only for lesbians or women who hate men.

英国女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是女性主义文学理论的开山鼻祖。Virginia Woolf, an English woman writer, is the forerunner of feminism.

你是否曾想过,如果女权主义从未出现过,生活会是什么样子的?Have you wondered what life would be like if feminism had never happened?

中国与西方的女权主义在概念上有什么不同?What are the conceptual differences between Chinese and Western feminism?

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她的小说,尤是其长篇小说系列,就是典型的女权主义文本。Her works, especially river novels, are typically ones revealing feminism.

激进的女权主义已经尝到其自酿的果实,但却是非常苦的苦果。Radical feminism has tasted the fruits of its labor and it is very bitter.

我认识的20多岁的女性不在意老式的女权运动。The twentysomething women I know aren't bothered about old-style feminism.