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接毒后6个月,法氏囊萎缩。The bursa atrophied at the 6th month of PI.

达拉的作战部队衰弱了11年。For 11 years Daala's fighting forces atrophied.

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他的四部小说浓缩了与美国梦相关的方方面面。West's four novels create a body atrophied by the American Dream.

你们的猫奄奄一息了,“他说,”肾衰竭,器官萎缩。Your cat is virtually dead, " he said. " Kidney failure. Organs atrophied.

去卵巢后,输卵管粘膜上皮萎缩。After ovariotomy, the epithelia of the oviduct were atrophied and regressive.

经反复研究,这个小孔被证明是退化的眼眶。After repeated study, this small hole was proven to be another atrophied eyelet.

那些在英迪拉·甘地执政时期萎缩的印度民主辅助公共机构又开始复苏。The auxiliary institutions of Indian democracy, so atrophied under Indira Gandhi, have been renewed.

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他们的侵略性退化,专注于艺术、音乐和科技。Bith have atrophied senses of aggression, concentrating their energies into art, music and technology.

另一个自我发现的方式在学校教育中似乎已渐渐销声匿迹,即寻找一个导师。Another path to self-discovery that seems to have atrophied through schooling lies in finding a mentor.

现在,在机器人的帮助下,马林能开门了。他那萎缩的左臂不再是全无用处的了。Now, thanks to a robot, Marin can open a door. His atrophied left arm isn't completely useless anymore.

他们发现,与正常老鼠相比,这些老鼠的寿命缩短了,器官退化了,大脑也萎缩了。These mice had shorter lifespans, atrophied organs and smaller brains than mice that hadn't been engineered.

我摘下婚戒,发现戒指下面的手指已经开始萎缩,看起来像是非常执拗地想留下某种印迹。When I took off my wedding rings, my finger had atrophied underneath in a manner that seems excessively symbolic.

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他的眼窝深陷,曾经柔滑的头发花白了,常常油腻而蓬乱。Three years on, Mourinho looks exhausted, his eyes are deep set, his silky hair atrophied into a greying and often greasy bouffant.

日本银行在本世纪第一个十年头几年里成为银行隔夜融资的主要提供者之后,银行间市场就萎缩了。After the Bank of Japan became the primary supplier of overnight funds to banks earlier this decade, the interbank market atrophied.

不仅社会力量衰弱到某种程度,而且在这种特殊渠道上对于力量的行使也会衰弱。Not only has social power atrophied to that extent, but the disposition to exercise it in that particular direction has atrophied with it.

此外,他的肩膀肌肉萎缩,肩胛骨向上隆起就像翅膀一般,病情发展缓慢但会随著年纪恶化。Besides, his muscle of shoulders atrophied , so he can not move the shoulders like other people, and his scapula grew upward just like bird's wings.

不良修复体做得不好的假牙不易清洁,会导致牙周卫生不良,也会使牙龈萎缩。The bad repair body does the not good false teeth don't easily sweep, will cause tooth for week the hygiene is bad, will also make the gum atrophied.

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提起待在马戏团第一年的遭遇,艾黎禁不住全身颤抖,她被关在笼子里当作展示品,行动严重受限导致她的翅膀开始退化。She shudders when she speaks of her first years in the circus, on display in a cage that restricted her movements to the point that her wings atrophied.

他那副被各种令人愚蠢的日常工作而耗损的头脑,除了那些和他的部里相关事务之物,早已没有其他的思想、其他的希望及其他的梦想了。His mind, atrophied by the stultifying work he did day in day out, was incapable of conceiving any hopes or dreams other than those connected with the Admiralty.

其中4例见斑点状死骨,3例合并关节半脱位,5例伴软组织脓肿形成,8例臀肌不同程度萎缩,3例合并肺结核。Speckled sequestra were seen in 4, subluxation of joint in 3, cold abscess in soft tissue in 5, atrophied gluteal muscles in 8 and pulmonary tuberculosis in 3 cases.