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做广告是值得的。It pays to advertise.

在当地报纸做广告。Advertise in your local paper.

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她喜欢自我吹嘘。She likes to advertise herself.

尽管如此,DPP还是不做广告Nonetheless, DPPs don't advertise.

然后刊登广告,最后开门迎客。You advertise and open your doors.

也可以做广告促销品!Can also advertise promotional items!

尤其是你不能登广告Notably, you're not allowed to advertise.

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现在,我们没有必要为我们的产品打广告。Now, we have no need to advertise our product.

但是通过论坛做广告一定要谨慎。Be very careful when using forums to advertise.

一个可以花钱做广告选择加入邮件列表。One can pay to advertise on opt-in mailing lists.

排名前100的品牌中有80个在MySpace投放广告。Eighty of the top 100 brands advertise on MySpace.

医德不允许医生登广告。Medical ethics do not permit doctors to advertise.

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它们总是更便宜,因为他们不做广告。They're always cheaper, because they don't advertise

在电视的黄金时段卖广告是很贵的。To advertise during prime time TV is very expensive.

如果你要推销自己的产品,你就必须做广告。If you want to sell your product you must advertise it.

在黄金时间做广告是很贵的。It is most expensive to advertise at peak viewing time.

我不需要大肆宣扬我害怕或者缺乏安全感。I have no need to advertise my fears or my insecurities.

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基于.NET2.0的网上招聘系统的设计与实现。On-line Employment Advertise System Design Based on. NET2.0

我们该登个广告招聘人来照看我们的孩子。We should advertise for someone to look after our children.

为自己设计的主题公园画一幅地图,并制作一份海报作宣传。Make a map of your theme park. Make a poster to advertise it.