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奈妲冷静下来。Naida grew calm.

但是他狡猾起来了。But he grew cunning.

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然后我们长大了。But then we grew up.

很了解彼此,一起长大。We grew up together.

我在海边长大,I grew up by the beach

我们长大了,他也长大了。We grew up, so did he.

我在夏洛特市长大。I grew up in Charlotte.

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我在攀枝花长大的。I grew up in Panzhihua.

有一位长大当了总统。Grew up to be President.

声音渐渐微弱。The sounds grew fainter.

这棵树长得非常高。The tree grew very tall.

我留起了胡须。I grew my break-up beard.

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我的成长中缺乏拥抱。I grew up bereft of hugs.

我在郊区长大,非常保守。I grew up in the suburbs.

我受了冻的心就热了昵?。My frozen heart grew hot?

她长大后变得很丰满。She grew up well-rounded.

小道长满野草。The path grew with weeds.

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我在运动家庭长大。Grew up in athletic family,

拿破仑是在法国长大的。Napoleon grew up in France.

这两个公司一起成长起来。The firms grew up together.