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答案是骨头传导科技。Bone conduction.

我是个懒骨头。I'm a lazy bone.

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我没有长骨刺。I had no bone spurs.

狗啃骨头无同伴。A dog gnawing a bone.

这只狗闻了闻那根骨头。The dog smelt the bone.

我从来没有长过骨刺。I never had a bone spur.

她咳出了那块骨头。She coughed up the bone.

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他们在啃骨头吗?。Are they eating the bone?

给狗留一根骨头。Leave a bone for the dog.

它们在啃骨头。They are eating the bone.

骨瓷容易破损。Bone china damages easily.

我是我的草地的骨头。I am the bone of my sward.

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吾为所捧水之骨。I am the bone of my water.

那狗把骨头埋藏了。The dog is burying a bone.

他觉得寒冷彻骨。He was chilled to the bone.

那狗在啃骨头。The dog was gnawing a bone.

去尽骨,方见髓。To do bone marrow side see.

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狗爱啃骨头。Dogs like to gnaw on a bone.

功效补肾壮骨。Efficacy kidney strong bone.

狗在啃骨头。The dog was gnawing a bone.