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一点都不明显。Not at all obvious.

这明显是一个骗局。It’s an obvious hoax.

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这是明摆着的事实。It is an obvious fact.

所有显然的原因!All the obvious reasons!

而这并不明朗That's far from obvious.

这是一次明显的犯规。This is an obvious foul.

显然他已去了。That he's gone is obvious.

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它浅显易懂。It's very simple and obvious.

她亟于想去是很明显的。Her anxiety to go was obvious.

影响之大自是有目共睹。Great effect is obvious to all.

是的,这似乎很明显。Yes, this seems rather obvious.

这是再明显不过得例子了。Again, this need not be obvious.

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在我看来,那是相当明显的。I thought it was pretty obvious.

可以避免明显的平局情况Just want to avoid obvious ties.

增长潜力是最显然易见的答案。Potential is the obvious answer.

最显见的就是核武器。The most obvious is nuclear war.

这就引出了一个显而易见的问题.And it begs the obvious question.

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黄金是其第一个明显的答案。Gold is the first obvious answer.

这种方法的优点很显著。This approach has obvious merits.

战马就是一个上选。The Warhorse is an obvious choice.