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一所真正的大屋。A real house.

回屋去么?To the house?

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来刷我们的房子?For our house?

房务管理部。House keeping.

空屋。An empty house.

这是我的乐高房子。This is my house.

打扫了房间。Cleaned the house.

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这是一个小新概念。It is a big house.

这是我的小房子。P7 This is my house.

想买房子吗?Want to buy a house?

我们住在这种房屋里。We are in the house.

谁拥有这座房子?Who owns this house?

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书中自有黄金屋!Book a house of gold!

把那房子拆了。Break down the house.

这里是海图室。Here’s a chart house.

它是一间桔色的房子。It's an orange house.

屋子里寂静无声。The house was silent.

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我们看见一座房子着火了。We saw a house afire.

想玩扮家家酒吗?。You wanna play house?

另外一个文化馆。Another culture house.