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他们对女孩说他患了失语症。He was aphasic , they explained to the girl.

用患者所熟悉的歌曲旋律对患者进行训练可以起到较好的训练效果。Using familiar songs in the treatment can promote the recovery of aphasic patients.

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中国动画逐渐衰落,患上了文化“失语症”。The Chinese animation industry has gradually declined and become culturally "aphasic".

然而在市场经济全面激荡的今天,文学却日益显示出“失语”的态势。However, in today's active market economy, literature is showing its "aphasic" tendency.

失语症患者残余语言功能和恢复网络一致吗?Are networks for residual language function and recovery consistent across aphasic patients?

失语症患者的词语替换体现了单词可能是以何种方式存储在大脑中的?What does the aphasic substitution reveal about how words are likely to be stored in the brain?

双侧大脑半球大部分区域,尤其是左侧,均与失语性失写有关。The aphasic agraphia was related to most parts of the cerebral hemispheres, especially the left one.

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以上的案例并不涉及语言接收,也没有任何典型的失语症状。Perception of language is not involved in these cases, and none of the typical aphasic symptoms is present.

以命名障碍症状结合影像学检查推论命名障碍的相关机制是研究命名机制的主要手段。It is a main measure to study the mechanism of naming by combining the symptoms and the imaging examination of aphasic patients.

比方说,在下面这一段中,一位布罗卡氏失语症病人正在解释他是怎么来到医院做牙科手术的。For example, in the following passage, a Broca's aphasic patient is trying to explain how he came to the hospital for dental surgery.

应用该检测法能评定中风后失语患者的日常生活语言沟通能力,以指导患者语言恢复。The CFCP. was designed in such a way that the ability of functional communication in daily life of the aphasic patients could be easily evaluated.

为了探讨失语性失写的机制和神经基础,选择20例脑梗塞后失语性失写患者作为观察对象。To explore the mechanisms and neurological basis of aphasic agraphia, 20 patients with aphasic agraphia after cerebral infarction were selected for observation.

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伯兰的"女性写作"打破了女性失语的传统状态,反抗了男性话语的霸权,为广大的爱尔兰女性赢得了真正的言说和存在权利。Boland's female writing breaks female's aphasic state, rebels the patriarchal hegemony and gains real rights for speech and existence for the vast Ireland women.

然而,我还是感到特别绝望,一个80岁的老人以失语偏瘫的状态度过余生就够悲剧的了,一个年轻人以沉默静止的状态面对未来的大把光阴就更悲剧了。It is a tragedy for an 80-year-old to spend life's remainder as an aphasic hemiplegic. The tragedy grows when a young man looks towards decades of mute immobility.

然而,我还是感到特别绝望,一个80岁的老人以失语偏瘫的状态度过余生就够悲剧的了,一个年轻人以沉默静止的状态面对未来的大把光阴就更悲剧了。It is a tragedy for an 80-year-old to spend life’s remainder as an aphasic hemiplegic. The tragedy grows when a young man looks towards decades of mute immobility.

“由失语症患者及其家庭成员共同参与的家庭治疗,改善了失语症带来的社会功能障碍,减少了患者的抑郁情绪和情感上的孤立”。Family therapy involving aphasic patients and other family members improves handicap of the aphasic handicap and reduces depression and emotional isolation in patients.

电脑和机械设备,可帮助失语症患者更有效地交流,这些技术也被用于治疗失语症。Technology has also entered the scenario of aphasia therapy, with computers and mechanical devices that can potentially help aphasic persons to communicate more efficiently.

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报道了一例汉语命名性失语症个案,他在口语命名图形与口语产生句子时均表现为对名词的作业能力差于动词,而且这种动-名词分离现象仅局限在语音输出通道上。Chinese anomic aphasic patient is reported to exhibit in oral modality greater selective impairment in producing nouns than verbs, and the dissociation does not occur in other modalities.

该结果揭示了两种语言在错误类型与程度上存在无关性,两种语言均存在失语症状,希伯来语技能受损更重。The results revealed dissociation between the two languages in terms of both the types and the magnitude of errors, pointing to aphasic symptoms in both languages, with Hebrew being the more impaired.