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但大多时候,这一文化却是将公司束缚得几近窒息。But most of the time it strangles a company.

绞喉是一个可以把人拧死的装置.The garrote is a device that strangles a person to death.

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它飞跃在单位03上并且扼杀它,打破它是脖子。It leaps onto Unit 03 and strangles it, breaking it's neck.

他们最终要求她贱人,然后卡尔扼杀她。They end up calling her a slut and then Karl strangles her.

真正的权力掐死你,用的是用丝带,是魅力,是脑。True power strangles you with silk ribbons, charm and intelligence.

勒紧一个敌方单位的灵魂,将他压榨出来。Strangles the soul of a target enemy unit and extracts bits and pieces of it.

最后,在这种形式的灵活度上,图书馆将会被自己设计的特性给勒死。Ultimately, in this form of flexibility, the Library strangles its own attractions.

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不肯耐心忍受羁络的马,结果只是使自己被拴在马厩里。The impatient horse which will not quietly endure his halter only strangles himself in his stall.

一个失败的雕塑家掐死了漂亮的女友,把尸体埋藏到栩栩如生的玩偶里面。A frustrated sculptor strangles his beautiful girlfriend and entombs her body into a lifelike doll.

我们的股东们也认识到,腐败严重阻碍经济发展,压榨贫困人口,扼制发展机会。Our shareholders know corruption is a drag on economies, taxes the poor, and strangles opportunity.

焦虑会毁了你一天的工作与生活,并且它可能是一个真正扼杀你信心的杀手。Anxiety may ruin your work and life in a whole-day, and can be the murderer who strangles your confidence.

固守在自我,作为一种自我的重要性,或不安全导致自我消费,扼杀同情。Entrenchment in the self, consumption of self as a result of self importance or insecurity, strangles empathy.

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猫科动物第一下强有力的攻击能将猎物掀翻在地,随后迅速地咬住猎物的喉咙,直至将其置于死地。The tremendous initial impact of the cat brings the prey down, and a swift grip on the throat strangles it to death.

格雷琴绑架了西奥多的同事,她逼着他签了辞职信,然后勒死了他。Gretchen kidnaps T-Bag's Gate associate and ties him up. She forces him to sign his resignation letter from Gate and then strangles him.

在一开始,先买东西后付款看似数额很小、几乎无关紧要,但随着时间的推移,它却变成了束缚我们的枷锁。Paying later for stuff we get today seems small, almost inconsequential early on –but becomes a noose that strangles as the years wear on.

最终,在这种形式的灵活性,图书馆扼杀了非常吸引人的事物区别于其他信息资源。Ultimately, in this form of flexibility, the library strangles the very attractions that differentiate it from other information resources.

结尾的部分,他避开了以往的那种男人扶着女人的脖子保持平衡的二人舞,而是让男人勒住了女人,并让她窒息死去。At the end he slips in a little duet where the man having balanced his partner in a neck hold apparently strangles her and leaves her for dead.

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由于信贷紧缩导致对汽车、建筑机械和其它需要钢铁的产品的需求下降,全球钢铁商面临需求的急剧萎缩.Global steelmakers face a sharp reversal in demand as tight credit strangles demand for cars, construction machinery and other products that consume steel.

事实上暴露的穿着,足以扼杀想象力而破坏神秘的美感,若说能增加性感实无可信。The dress that exposes in fact, enough strangles imagination and destroy mysterious aesthetic feeling, if say, can increase sexy fact to not have authentic.