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狮子触动了陷井。The lion sprang a trap.

这是一个键盘陷阱。This is a keyboard trap.

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恐惧是人的罗网。The fear of man is a trap.

不要掉入这个陷阱。Do not fall into this trap.

这是这是捕蝇草。This is the Venus Fly Trap.

这种大便器使用了P-型存水弯。This used a 'P'-shaped trap.

在一个农场的动物陷阱里。A trap for animals on a farm.

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我看见一只老鼠陷在捕鼠器里。I saw a cat caught in a trap.

你掉进了这个陷阱吗?Have you fallen into this trap?

狐狸在陷阱里被套住。The fox was caught in the trap.

狼在陷井里挣扎。The wolf struggled in the trap.

这很可能是个什么陷井。This is what is likely to trap.

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即便是牛顿也掉进过这个圈套。Even Newton fell into this trap.

他的提议明显是一个圈套。His offer smelt of a clear trap.

带状沙丘困住了雨水。Ribbons of dunes trap the rains.

VTP的陷阱默认情况下禁用。VTP trap is disabled by default.

我们在把他们诱入一个圈套。We are leading them into a trap.

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不要被诱惑跌落了陷阱。Do not be seduced into that trap.

猎人们设陷阱捉住一只狐狸。The hunters took a fox by a trap.

你在陷井里抓到那只狐狸了吗?Do you take that fox in your trap?