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你并不需要一整套的学习管理系统来解决你的问题,你也没必要期待它。You do not need, nor should you expect, an LMS to solve this problem.

变步长非线性自适应拉格里归一化LMS算法。Variable step size adaptive nonlinear laguerre normalized LMS algorithm.

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X线片示胫骨髁间隆突撕脱骨折移位。The X-ray lms showed the tibial intercondylar eminence displaced fracture.

本文讨论了LMS自适应噪声对消器的有限字长效应。The effects of finite word length in LMS adaptive noise canceller are discussed.

这些仿真结果表明五状态Markov卫星信道模型有效性。These results can prove the Five-State Markov is valid when model the LMS Channel.

该文总结了已研制出的高温超导直线电动机类型,并建立了它们的结构模型。In this paper, different types of the developed HTS LMs are summarized with their structure models.

研究了麦草烧碱-AQ浆漆酶与木聚糖酶协同漂白效果。LMS and xylanase synergetic biobleaching of wheat straw NaOH-AQ pulp was investigated in this paper.

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采用模糊C—均值聚类算法对网络进行模糊化,利用改进的LMS算法对网络进行训练。The FCNN is fuzzed by FCM algorithm and improved LMS algorithm is applied to tune the weight of FCNN.

针对上述三种试验,本论文研究了一种基于LMS算法的多通道自适应控制理论。For the three tests, this paper studies a multi-channel algorithm based on LMS adaptive control theory.

本文在时域内研究LMS算法的稳定性及鲁棒LMS算法的构造。The stability property of LMS algorithm and the design of robust LMS algorithm are discussed in this paper.

介绍了一种基于均方误差估计的新变步长LMS自适应滤波算法。This paper propose a novel alterative step LMS auto-adapted filter algorithm based on mean squared-error estimation.

基于传统的LMS算法,提出了一种新的MIMO智能天线自适应波束形成算法,即LMS-MIMO算法。A novel MIMO algorithm, namely LMS-MIMO algorithm, was presented based on a conventional LMS algorithm in this paper.

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提出一种基于四阶统计量一维切片的LMS算法,并且给出其递推形式。An LMS algorithm based on one dimensional slice of fourth-order statistics is proposed and its recursive form is given.

首先较细地研究了时域、频域和变换域最小均方自适应滤波器。Firstly we have detailedly studied the time-domain, frequency-domain and transform-domain LMS adaptive digital filters.

本文在LMS算法及其基本变型的基础上,利用回波路径稀疏的信息,提出了相应的改进算法。Based on the LMS algorithm and its LMS-based forms, we propose some new algorithms using the prior information of sparsity.

然而还是这一招,Blackboard消除了先前阻碍教师个人使用LMS的壁垒。With this move, however, Blackboard eliminates barriers that previously prevented individual teachers from adopting an LMS.

提出了对回波信道的初估计并利用变换域LMS算法进行信道跟踪的一种方案。Echo channel estimation and the tracking of channel using the transform domain LMS algorithm are introduced in this article.

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文中根据对输入信噪比的估计,在NLMS算法基础上提出一种改进的LMS算法。According to the estimated SNR of input signals, this paper proposes a modified LMS algorithm on the basis of the NLMS algorithm.

对LMS自适应滤波器在单凹口极化自适应抗干扰接收系统中的应用进行了分析研究。In this paper, the application of an LMS adaptive filter in one notch polarization adaptive antijamming receiving system is studied.

然后针对LMS算法不适合于高速实时信号处理的“缺陷”,分析推导了DLMS算法。Then for the LMS algorithm is not suitable for high speed real-time signal processing, is proves that the DLMS algorithm is derived.