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我是学英语的新手。I am a tyro in English.

孩子的初学者是一个能够为孩子们挑选。The Kid's Tyro is an able pick for kids.

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白丁屋带你走月光天堂…白丁屋带你去放飞梦想…House of Tyro will take you to the moonlight heaven.

白丁屋如歌的行板,能否拨动妳灵魂里的琴弦,奏上妳写意的人生。An andante passage of House of tyro , could she touch your deep strings , and play your slipped life ever.

看的滑雪板很容易我知道谁是老战士,谁是初学者滑雪。Judging by the snowboards it was easy for me to know who the veterans were and who were the tyro snowboarders.

实在说,叙述数学家如何跌跤,如何在迷雾中摸索前进,应能使搞研究工作的任一新手鼓起勇气。Indeed the account of how mathematicians stumbled, groped their way through obscurities, should give heart to any tyro in research.

股东、董事、监管机构和媒体的仔细审视,或许会在这些新手企业领袖造成重大损害前发现问题。The scrutiny of investors, directors, regulators and media, may find out these tyro corporate leaders before they can do much damage.

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只有最不堪造就的新手,才感觉不到狼的存在与否,才不晓得大山对狼有着隐秘的看法。Only the ineducable tyro can fail to sense the presence or absence of wolves, or the fact that mountains have a secret opinion about them.

邝和他剧团成员都是暗杀新手,很多状况的发生是超越他们的想象的。事情发展得太快,使他们从情绪上和实践上一下子无法应对。Kuang and his troupe of tyro assassins are younger and more in over their heads than they realize, and things get emotionally and operationally out of hand with a rapidity that is stunning.

一旦你知道白色烤面包,熏制的培根,西生菜,番茄牛排和好乐门蛋黄酱对于再菜的菜鸟都不会弄错。Once you know that the bread must be toasted packet white, the bacon smoked, the lettuce Iceberg, the tomato beefsteak and the mayo Hellmann's then even the most hopeless tyro can't go wrong.