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你有时刻表吗?Do you have a timetable?

这是一张列车时刻表。It is a railway timetable.

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可以给我一份公交时刻表吗?Can I have a bus timetable?

恪守多哈的时间表。Keep to the Doha timetable.

这是一张火车时刻表。This is a railway timetable.

这是我的周末日程表。Thiss is my weekend timetable.

他把时间表钉在门上。He tacked the timetable to the door.

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我要查询一下火车行车时间表。I want to ask about the train timetable.

她正在看她的体育馆时间表。She looked at her timetable for the gym.

UTP问题,即大学时间表问题。UTP is the university timetable problem.

我们一定要自己去拿时刻表。We must go to get the timetable ourselves.

检查赛程表所记录的路线清理时段。Check timetable for timing of route cleaning.

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对不起,我去哪里可以拿到火车时刻表?Excuse me, where can I get a train timetable?

时间表会因时更改,详情请联络本会。Please contact us for the up-dated timetable.

我并不介意改变我的时间表来适合你的。I don't mind fitting my timetable round yours.

难道,衪有个时间表,在主导着爱情?!Does he have a timetable directing acts of love ?

你可不可以帮我在行车时刻表中查找一个列车车次?。Will you look up a train for me in the timetable?

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关于蚂蚁算法在学校排课系统中的应用。Ant Algorithm on the Timetable in the school system.

我们必须得把这专列安排进火车行车时刻表。We have to fit the special train into the timetable.

叶小文说,进一步会谈的时间表还没有设定。Ye said no timetable has been set for further talks.