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古今将相在何方?荒冢一堆草没了。The great ones of old, where are they now?

古今多少事,就付笑谈中吧!How many ancient and modern things, pay the joke !

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李四光是古今最伟大的科学家。Li Siguang is the greatest scientist that ever lived.

天下佳山水,古今推富春。World best landscape, ancient and modern Fuchun push.

古今宏伟思想均永载于书籍之中。In books are embalmed the greatest thoughts of all ages.

伟大思想古今有,载入书中成不朽。In books,are embalmed the greatest thoughts of all ages.

军无丝毫之饷反需交此费者,古今骇闻也。The army is nothing against pay the fee rates, and frightening.

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美丽贤惠——古今淑女的基本条件。Being beautiful and virtuous—a basic requirement for all gentlewomen.

钱塘观潮的地点,古今有所不同。Over the centuries the vantage point for watching the tides has changed.

它汇集了古今诸多名方、妙方、秘方,最适合家庭使用。It gathers many square, nostrum, ancient secret, the most suitable for home use.

接受史研究是为了沟通古今审美经验,让古典走向现代。The history of literary reception modernizes the classical aesthetic experience.

此书流露了陈文述对古今女性的高度兴趣与关注。The whole book shows Chen Wenshu's interest and concerns of women past and present.

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函数概念对数学发展的影响贯穿古今、旷日持久。The influence of function concept on the development of mathematics is long-drawn-out.

最后,在爱的结合中,我看到了古今圣贤以诗人梦所梦想的天堂的缩影,这正是我追求的人生境界。The prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I.

课程综览不同时空,见诸古今名家的历史著作,例如E。The course surveys a range of places and times, such as those represented in works like E.

大臣接过话锋,滔滔不绝地谈论起古今多少帝国的盛衰兴亡。The minister took up the theme and discoursed mellifluously on the ebb and flow of empires.

黄山谷认为要摆脱平庸,就要“用古今浇灌”。HuangShangGu thinks that all the available books has a way of breaking away from mediocrity.

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它是中西文化的交流点,是古今哲理的结晶。It is that Chinese and Western culture exchange burns, crystal being philosophic theory at all time.

那位古今常存的试探者用各种方法令我们怀疑神,不信神,和叛逆神。The ancient tempter tries in all kinds of ways to make us doubt, distrust, and rebel against the Lord.

袁宏提出,“史传之兴,所以通古今而笃名教”。Yuan Hong, "In the history of transmission of the hing, so pass ancient and modern and Benedict Norm."