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现在,每读一个字母就拍一下手!Now, clap it!

它有27个字母,意思类似于“充满了荣耀”。That's 27 letters.

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竹屋的开头字母是「B」。B is for bamboo hut.

好吧,我从D字母开始。Ok, I'll start at "D".

依字母顺序的。It's in alphabetical order.

我给你带字母汤来了。I brought you alphabet soup.

为什么说U是最开心的字母?Why is U the jolliest letter?

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是由五个字母组成的单词。Apple is a five-lettered word.

求教“现在,我大爱'L'这个字母。Now, I love 'L' this alphabet.

这是个发颤音的字母。This is a letter with a trill.

用所给字母或字母组合写单词。III. Think and write the words.

所以总共我的名字有21个字母。In total my name is 21 letters.

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经常是只用小写字母。Often in all lowercase letters.

为什么“U”是最快活的字母?Why is 'U' the jolliest letter?

又是五个字母的字。That's another five-letter word.

在谢伊写的这本书里,每一个英文字母都有独立的章节。Each letter gets its own chapter.

这个我知道,有26个字母。I know this. There are 26 letters.

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它有28个字母,但是它又是什么呢?It has 28 letters, but what is it?

在字母表中AB是头两个字母。The letters AB begin the alphabet.

你能倒念英文字母吗?Can you say the alphabet backwards?