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他们曾查究此事。They inquired into the matter.

她对这个秘密查究线索。She searched about for clues to the mystery.

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在我们查究这件事之前,有没有认为这是个大问题呢?Was it considered a major problem before we looked at it?No.

消防官兵仍在查究起火的原因。Fire officers are still trying to DETECT the cause of the fire.

请你考问前代,追念他们的列祖所查究的。For enquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers

你可以只要求贵国政府为它或查究在私人机构任职,为民政补助金的规定。You can just ask your government for it or inquire in private organizations for the home grant requirement.

这样的事,超过人的智力,人的明悟万万不能查究天主的判断。Such things are beyond all human understanding and no reason or disputation can fathom the judgments of God.

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他们会对没有收到订单传奇sf缺憾和惊异,并留神地查究其原因。They will express regret or surprise that no order has been received and discreetly inquire into the reason.

他们会对没有收到订单传奇sf缺憾和惊奇,并当心肠查究其原因。They will express regret or surprise that no order has been quite received and discreetly inquire into the reason.

承运人没有查究上述资料或文件的正确性或足够程度的义务。The carrier is under no obligation to enquire into the correctness or sufficiency of such information or documents.

我专心用智慧寻求查究天下所做的一切事,乃知神叫世人所经练的是极重的劳苦。I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid on men!

DRDO的毛病本源重要在于对科研成果、重点、以及缺少公道部署进行查究的缺失。The DRDO fault-line primarily is a result of lack of accountability, focus, and failure to develop scientific disposition.

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前项为虚伪登记之申请人及登记人员,并应移送该管法院查究其刑责。The applicant and registrant who make false registration mentioned in the proceeding paragraph shall be delivered to courts.

审判官要细细地查究,若见证人果然是作假见证的,以假见证陷害弟兄The judges must make a thorough investigation, and if the witness proves to be a liar, giving false testimony against his brother

与开汽车的人同样,伦敦各个区当局可以招聘一些交通办理员,对骑自行车违规者加以查究和罚款,也可以把这项事情外包给私家承包商。As with motorists, local authorities could employ teams of wardens to hunt down and penalise errant cyclists, or else turn the job over to private contractors.

另外,热设计人员的又一作用是排除那些仅为了方便或为了今后查究而设定的规范,从而确定真正的设计要求。In addition, the thermal designer's role is to challenge specifications that are often used merely for convenience or for legacy reasons, and to uncover the true requirements.