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它就是盐池县的哈巴湖旅游区。It is Yanchi County Haba Lake tourist area.

在旅游区的许多街道上,都有着排成一行行的销售摊点。Markets line many streets in tourist areas.

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在旅游区一定要谨防奸商。Beware of dishonest traders in the tourist areas.

海湾旅游区还开发了嵊泗县潍浒诸岛。Gulf tourism has also developed Shengsi Wei Hu Islands.

滨海旅游区总体规划日前获得市政府正式批复。Coastal Tourism Master Plan has received a formal city approval.

朱家角旅游区在一步步扩大影响。The tourist area of Zhujiajiao gradually built up her influences.

在黄山市的一个旅游区,我睁大眼睛寻找莲花峰。A tourist area in huangshan I the zheng big eyes search lotus feng.

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汉城的梨泰院1997年被指定为专项旅游区并成为CBD的一部分。In Seoul, Itaewon was designated as a STZ in 1997 and a part of the CBD.

在旅游区,应强调规划的权威性。In the tourist zone, should emphasize the authoritativeness of planning.

丽江地区是云南省发展最快的旅游区。Lijiang Prefecture is the major developing tourist area of Yunnan Province.

——搁浅到先前海边旅游区和距海岸一英里外的饭馆。stranding formerly seaside resorts and restaurants nearly a mile from shore.

现年27岁的黄伟荣是奉贤区海湾旅游区的无业青年。Aged 27-year-old Stephen is poorer districts Gulf tourist area jobless youth.

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另一例介绍王莽岭概况时,同时这里也是陵川县东南部近千平方公里的旅游区的一部分。译文为。At the same time, it is a part of the tourist area in the south of Lingchuan.

据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗?。It is said that Shenlongjia in Yichang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn't it?

出现龙虎山旅游区文化主题模糊,道教文化旅游氛围淡化的现象。The actuality leads to the cultural theme taint and the tourism atmosphere desalted.

文中提出了内蒙古希拉穆仁草原旅游区草原旅游开发的对策和建议。As a kind of ecotourism, grassland tourism can nol only promote economic development.

同时确定金源文化旅游区主题形象和旅游线路。At the same time, set the theme of Jinyuan cultural tourism image and tourist routes.

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该项目位于荆门市凤凰旅游区内,功能为四星级市政府接待基地。The project is located in phoenix resort in Jingmen city, which is a four-star hotel.

吕梁山风景旅游区位于徐州市主城区的东南部,靠近新城区,是进出徐州的景观节点。Luliang Mountain Scenic Area is located at the southeast the main city of Xuzhou City.

湘西南丹霞、山地草原景观和侗文化旅游区。Mountainous and Grassland landscape and Dong Culture Travel Area in Southwestern Hunan.