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之前你了解这个动力学过程吗?Have you seen this before, this dynamic?

热学,动力学理论,和热动力学。Heat, Kinetic Theory, and Thermodynamics.

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太阳动力学观测台的第一手光学图像First Light for Solar Dynamics Observatory

脱色反应为动力学零级反应。The decoloration reaction is a zero order.

本文运用瞬态动力学软件MSC。With the transient dynamic software of MSC.

和动力学联系起来和速率性质联系起来。And related to kinetics. To a rate property.

细胞死亡动力学表征为一级反应。Cell death kinetics is a one-class reaction.

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从高处落下的一分硬币并非最能体现空气动力学的武器。A penny isn't the most aerodynamic of weapons.

那么这里我们有动力学,这里我们有热。So here we have kinetics. Here we have thermo.

牛顿动力学体系由两部分组成The cycle of Newtonian dynamics has two parts.

应用非线性动力学软件MSC。The non-liner transient dynamical software MSC.

高频雷达能探测海面风、浪、流等动力学要素。HF radar can measure the sea surface parameters.

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自行火炮发射动力学研究?。On Launching Dynamics of Self-Propelled Cannons?

经过风洞测试,以实现最佳的空气动力学性能。Tested in the wind-tunnel for best aerodynamics.

探讨了动力学过程的再现性。A producibility of kinetic process was investigated.

电动力学是多玩电阻。Electrodynamics is more than playing with resistors.

利用伽辽金方法对动力学方程进行了离散。Galerkin's method is used to discrete the equations.

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本文提出了一个新的两相流底排气体动力学模型。A two-phase base bleed gasdynamic model is presented.

车身对空气动力学的运用以及外观的设计绝对疯狂。The aerodynamics and the design are absolutely crazy.

我们提出了一个动力学模型来描述这一过程。We develop a dynamical model to describe this process.