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干燥的培养基易导致原球茎及幼苗萎蔫、褐化。Dry medium led protocorms and seedlings to shrink and die.

空气湿度过高或过低都容易使移栽苗萎蔫。Higher or lower air humidity is prone to make transplanted plants wither.

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当植株产生萎蔫或矮化症时细菌可进入体内繁殖。The bacteria may gain entry and develop internally as in wilts and stunts.

DNA含量则不受土壤含水量高于萎蔫点的水分胁迫影响。DNA content was unaffected when soil water content was above wilting point.

他是什么类型的?萎蔫的花朵?明亮的圆嘟嘟的?还是阴燃诱惑的女人?What's his type? Wilting flower? Bright and bubbly? Or smoldering temptress?

它趴在扫帚的上面,一副萎蔫泄气的样子,她用手轻轻地推了它一下,它就从扫帚上面滑落下来。It lay on top of its broom in a wilted, deflated heap, and flopped when she nudged it.

防治葫芦科植物萎蔫病,至今仍依靠使用化学药剂防治甲虫。The control of cucurbit wilt has been based on chemical insecticides applied for beetle control.

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叶水势高,萎蔫系数低的茶树品种,耐旱力较强。Tea clones with higher water potential and lower wilting coefficient have greater drought tolerance.

当一个植株缺水达到其细胞松弛这种程度时,就会发生萎蔫。When a plant loses water to the extent that its cells become flaccid, wilting occurs. See plasmolysis.

采样调查结果表明,华坪县全县已有5个乡镇的松林发生不同程度的萎蔫死亡。The investigations showed that pine wilt disease had occurred at least in 5 forest regions of Huaping country.

采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取黑杨萎蔫叶片具诱虫活性的气味物质,用气相色谱质谱联用技术分离和鉴定活性物质的化学成分。A report is made of the study of chemical components of the odor with luring activity from withered black poplar leaves.

同样在光下由于温度和风的作用而萎蔫的植物它们的脱落酸含量可以增加约40倍。Similarly plants wilting inthelight from temperature and wind effects may increase their abscisic acid content some 40-fold.

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同样,在光下由于温度和风的作用而萎蔫的植物,它们的脱落酸含量可以增加约40倍。Similarly plants wilting in the light from temperature and wind effects may increase their abscisic acid content some40-fold.

忌高温,在27度时,植株虽生长好,叶繁茂,但花朵少,花瓣易萎蔫。Avoid high temperature, in 27 degrees when, although plant has grown, leafiness , but flower is little, petaline easy wilting.

很多中国人没有因巨大的压力而萎蔫,反而拥抱它,把它化为主场优势。Instead of wilting under this enormous pressure, many of the Chinese have embraced it, and made it their home-court advantage.

这个数据的公布致使美国股市大幅下挫,更加强了美国经济复苏的“绿色嫩芽”正在萎蔫的观点。The figures sent stockmarkets sharply lower and reinforced suggestions that the " green shoots" of economic recovery were wilting.

你将能够通过网络看到花商布置花束,在你需要的时候可以改变主意,并且让花商用新鲜的海葵代替萎蔫的玫瑰。You'll be able to watch the florist arrange the bouquet, change your mind if you want, and replace wilting roses with fresh anemones.

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总之,病菌侵染植株后,引起导管堵塞,影响水分运输,使植株萎蔫。In short, in the cucumber plant infected with wilt disease fungus, water transport disturbed by vessels block, resulted in plant wilting.

用病菌培养滤液对幼苗浸根可使烟草幼苗叶片快速萎蔫,叶缘干缩。Quick wilting of tobacco seedling was resulted from cultured filtrates by seedling root-soaking. Wilting symptom appeared and leaf margin dried-up.

本文在田间和室内从行为和生理两方面研究了萎蔫的黑杨叶片对鳞翅目成虫的引诱机制。But the reason that withered black poplar branches attract Helicoverpa armmigera is not clear. The article study on the reason in behavior and physiology.