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一个高尚的傻子?A holy fool?

三傻子呗!Three fools Uta!

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我真的是一个傻子!A nincompoop I was.

他是个不折不扣的傻子。He was rather a blockhead.

那是傻子,哈里,傻子。He was rather a blockhead.

傻子的箭放得快。/蠢人的东西消耗得快。A fool's bolt is soon shot.

把整个联邦调查局都当傻子了?Makin' a fool of the bureau?

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阻难我们的都是傻子。They are fools to oppose us!

可她是个真正的小傻子。But she's a real little fool.

孩子和傻子,不会扯年夜话。children and fools cannot lie.

我曾经是这样的一个傻子,瓦西里。I've been such a fool, Vassili.

我表现的像一个受爱情折磨的傻子。I'm acting like a lovesick fool.

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只有傻子才那么讲!Only a fool would talk that way!

不要对我来心里分析这一套,你这个傻子!Don't psychoanalyze me, you simp!

孩子和傻子,口中无诈语。Children and fools tell the truth.

孩子和傻子都说真话。Childern and fools speak the truth.

孩子和傻子说实话。Children and fools speak the truth.

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孩子和傻子说实话。Children and fools speake the truth.

傻子轻视智慧和教育。Fools despise wisdom and instruction.

生成的傻子总是治不好的。He who is born a fool is never cured.