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是批量请求处理吗?Do you batch requests?

批量转换视频格式。Batch convert video formats.

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甚至还支持批量搜索。It even supports batch search.

支持批量文件转换。Support Batch files conversion.

批量访问方法和驱动程序。The bulk access method and driver.

它们是手工制造的还是批量生产的?Are these hand-made or mass-produced?

在一次批量运行中,一件事不要重复做两次。Do not do things twice in a batch run.

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除非我们能批量生产社会习俗。Unless we mass produce social customs.

批量点钞和正常点钞累计总和。Bath counting and counting cumulation sum.

20世纪早期,情人卡开始批量生产。Mass production started in the early 1900s.

1873年,首次批量生产牙膏。In 1873, toothpaste was first mass-produced.

她喜欢批量购买东西,比如面巾纸。She prefers buying things like tissues in bulk.

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信息可以传统批量或实时方式传送。Information can flow in batches or in real time.

我通常会在批量或静态包中看到此情形。Normally I see this in batch or static packages.

选购茶品批量小的黑茶品。Purchase dark tea products with limited quantities.

批量化、全天候工作,可生产汽车、轮船、建筑等泡沫模具。And it can work on Auto, boat, architecture foam mold.

以下是一个使用批量抓取的HBM文件片段Here is a sample HBM file excerpt using batch fetching

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不锈钢转数设备可用来加工批量大的料。The stainless drum may be used to make larger batches.

例如避免批量购买50加仑的热玉米面包馅卷。Avoid, for instance, the 50-gallon drum of Hot Tamales.

确定数值,储存数值,批量生产。Determine and save numericals, effective to production.