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你也许说得有理。Perhaps you are right.

有理慢慢儿说,何必发脾气。He has never lost his temper.

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西罗非哈的女儿说的有理。What Zelophehad's daughters are saying is right.

纵然言出有理,可死神毕竟不总是公平公正的。Yes, this is true, but death is not always fair.

有些猜想貌似有理,但所有猜想都是不明确的。Some of it is plausible but none of it is definite.

货物品质优良说明它价格高得有理。The best quality of the goods justifies its high cost.

利用函数求导数的方法给出了三角域上有理B-B曲面的包络性。The envelope of rational B-B surfaces over triangles is given.

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爱勒克看出了这多么有理,于是这番话便产生了电流一般的作用。Aleck saw how true they were, and their influence was electric.

“未有书而先有理”的成易观。The View Yi's Creation in "Li Exists Earlier than the Book Does".

何况他听阮明所说的还十分有理呢!And to think he had even rather agreed with what Ruan Ming had said!

主观真实同样也考虑到了唯我论的可能有理观点。SR allows for the potentially valid perspective of solipsism as well.

听起来有理,其实是个因噎废食的逻辑。These remarks sound reasonable, yet in fact they are quite illogical.

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我只要拼到底,不去相信失败有理,我打下一个传奇。Did not believe that the defeat is rational. I will overcome a legend.

然而就算他说得再有理,别人也说他是徇私,想“弃车保帅”。Even though what he said is more than reasonable, nobody will believe.

掌声停了是由于一条谨慎的仿佛有理的条款惹起的情由。The requestlause paused key cause caused by a cautious plausible clause.

由此方法还导出了保形有理三次B样条插值曲线。A shape preserving rational cubic B-spline interpolation curve is derived.

采用三次有理均匀B样条曲线完成了对自由曲面体的重构。Cubic rational B-spline curve is adopted to reconstruct free-form surface.

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检查一下,在签订之前确定合同上各项条款通顺有理。Go over that contract with a fine-tooth comb before you agree to anything.

构造的曲面是分片双三次有理参数多项式曲面。This surface is a piecewise bi-cubic rational parametric polynomial surface.

任意1-连通的有限CW-复形的有理化空间是有理空间。The rationalization of any 1-connected finite CW-complex is a rational spaces.