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口感圆润滑顺。Round and smooth mouth.

整道菜口感辛辣又不失美味。It is spicy but delicious.

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新品种口感很甜。This new variety is sweet.

那这款酒的口感如何?What does the winetaste like?

下一个问题是它的口感。The next problem was its taste.

这种疾速成型的过程提升了口感。The speedy process boosts taste.

口感丰润饱满,口味十分丰富。Full , smooth and rich in flavors.

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添入啤酒花。获得好口感。Add the hops. Add the hops to taste.

茶香奶味,滑香浓厚的口感。Naiwei tea, incense slip strong taste.

口感柔软,新鲜略带酸味。Very soft, fresh, with a good acidity.

难怪它的卖相不输口感!No wonder it looks as good as it tastes!

这也正是你在啜饮香槟时口感怎么会这么好的原因。Which is fine if you're sipping champagne.

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口感复杂、优雅、协调。Complex in mouth, elegant and equilibrated.

口感结实,结构严密,是一款适饮酒。Firm mouth. Structured ready to drink wine.

我在找一种口感清爽的牙膏。I'm looking for a fresh-tasting toothpaste.

喝起来酸酸甜甜的,口感不错。The drink is sweet and sour, good in texture.

持久的黑醋栗和新橡木口感余韵更悠长。Persistent blackcurrants and new oak in length.

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糖份18度,肉质脆嫩,口感极佳。Sugar 18 degrees, crisp flesh, taste very good.

自然浆果的甘旨口感,让宝宝爱上刷牙。Tooth & Gum Cleanser has a taste toddlers love.

德国因其口感醇厚的黑啤而闻名。Germany is famous for its strong and dark beers.