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在她举手投足之间流露出一丝希腊式的优雅。There was a touch of Greek grace in her attitude.

举手投足之间极尽优雅与华贵,敏捷与灵巧。Every movement has elegance and economy, is swift and deft.

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举手投足间展示着天生王者的绝对影响力!Its mannerism shows absolute domination power of inborn crown!

我们其实没有真的长大,我们只是学会了在公众面前如何举手投足而已。We have never been grown up, we just learn how to act in public.

笑脸迎进八方客,举手投足好印象。Smile face is good to visitors and any behavior should not be neglected.

奥黛丽·赫本举手投足之间散发出的那种气息,美得让我窒息。Audrey Hepburn · everything between the kind of atmosphere, perfect for me.

一位稍有银发、金发碧眼的女主持人,举手投足间带着同情心,采访了我一个多小时。A frosted-blond anchorwoman with a sympathetic manner interviewed me for over an hour.

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一如岁月中隐忍着的幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放。Just as happiness born in the years, not insolent, the every act and move blooms quietly.

妇女们簇拥著请教她,如何优美地行立坐卧、举手投足。Women deluged her with requests for advice on how to move, how to stand and what to do with their hands.

这些舞者的举手投足是如此优雅,我所做的就是让他们随意舞动,然后希望我能抓住他们展示天赋的一刹那。As these people move so well and all I can do is let them go and hope I can grab a moment of their talent.

妇人啊,当妳辛勤操持家务之时,妳的举手投足宛如山中的溪水,在卵石间轻歌。Woman when you move about in your household service, your limbs sing like a hill stream among its pebbles.

女人啊,你这样的操持家务,举手投足间便有歌声婉转,宛如一路欢歌流过卵石的潺潺山泉。Women, when you move about in your household service, your limbs sing like a hill stream among its pebbles.

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能在举手投足和眉目传情间,相互得到情感的需求和满足。Can in raises hand to step in and to flirt with the eyes, obtains the emotion demand mutually and satisfies.

坐在一旁的唐明皇再也按捺不住心中的激动,冲到他们中间,在举手投足间一展帝王英姿。Emperor Tang, who is sitting aside, can not restrain his jealousy and join them to display his heroic bearing.

因为一个有成功者身份感觉的人,举手投足会给别人压力,伤害别人的自尊心。If a successful man considers himself successful, his behavior would stress others and hurt their self- esteems.

他们或许穿着极为简单的服饰,但他们在举手投足间都透露着一种尊贵的气质。They can even dress in very simple attires, but their gestures and the way they behave will imply their prosperity.

优雅的核心就在女人的举手投足间,尤其是在公众场合时与周围的人的相处之道。The core of elegance is in a lady's behavior and manners, especially how she relates to people around her in public.

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他们或许穿着极为简单的服饰,但他们在举手投足间都透露着一种尊贵的气质。They can even dress in very simple attires , but their gestures and the way they behave will imply their prosperity.

成熟中散发青春魅力、优雅中蕴涵时代气息,举手投足间都是优雅的女人味。Youth in the dissemination of mature charm, elegance in the fashionable implication, gestures are elegant and feminie.

但拉伊佐拉把埃尔·特奥的被捕看做个人的胜利,他告诉来访记者,埃尔·特奥进了监狱后完全失去了威风,举手投足变得像个女人。But Leyzaola considered it a personal triumph, and he told reporters that El Teo, once in custody, had acted like a woman.