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世界概况。The World Factbook.

中印贸易概况。Sino-Indian trade Profiles.

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填写您的企业概况。Fill out your organisation profile.

您可在任何时间修改您的概况。You can adjust your profile at any time.

陆氏家族小说作品的基本概况。Lu's family, the basic profiles of novels.

美国新闻处应该会有一些大学概况手册。The usis library should have some catalogs.

年夜部门的地球概况被水笼盖着。most of the earth's surface is covered by water.

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这里的概况一九九二年什么和它做什么。Here's an overview on Fannie Mae and what it does.

中国苔藓植物学的研究概况及其展望。The historical survey and prospect of Chinese bryology.

介绍了东北区概况及论文中使用的数据。Introduce the Northeast and the data used in the thesis.

回顾了雪尼尔纺纱机的发展概况。The development history of chenille machine is reviewed.

第一章,是对莆仙戏的概况综述。The first chapter is an overview of Puxian Opera Review.

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第二章是涿鹿方言音系概况。The second chapter is the Zhuolu dialect phonetic system.

综述了近年来国内外对轮虫休眠卵的研究概况。Progress in the study of rotifer resting eggs is reviewed.

访问数据库浏览器的概况图特性。Visit the Overview Diagram from Database Explorer feature.

第三章介绍了鸿合公司概况。The third chapter introduced the profile of Honghe Company.

图2展示了我的发现的时间进程和概况。Figure 2 shows a quick timeline and summary of my discovery.

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了解耳针的近代研究概况。Know about the development of auricular acupuncture therapy.

第二部分介绍了LYC公司的基本概况。The second part gives a general overview of LYC Corporation.

还简要介绍了这种双模制导的发展概况。It also describes the dual mode guidance development briefly.