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或许臣服也没有用。Or submit to also useless.

光明,臣服在我的脚下吧!Bright, succumbed to it in my foot!

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帝国需要钱,臣服者必须交钱。Empires cost money, and subjects must pay.

我们引导人类臣服于改变。We guide humans to surrender to the change.

我臣服于内心更多的宁静。I let go and surrender to greater peace of mind.

我愿臣服在妳的珠光珊瑚色裙摆下。Surrender to shine with this shimmering coral-pink.

作为斯巴达臣服雨薛西斯意志的象征。A token of Sparta's submission to the will of Xerxes.

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伊莲娜·伊辛巴耶娃让鸟巢所有人都臣服了。Yelena Isinbayeva had the Bird's Nest all to herself.

罗马帝国使大多数欧洲国家臣服在它的统治之下。The Roman Empire subjected most of Europe to its rule.

那些臣服于神的人也能够达到成功。Success is also attained by those who surrender to god.

由于在最后地最后,一切地一切终将臣服于独一地真正地王!For in the final hour, all must serve the one true king.

摆脱诱惑的唯一方法就是臣服于它。The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.

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与接纳事情的本来面目,臣服于当下时刻,活在当下有何关联?And acceptance of what is?And surrender to the Present Moment?

在朝臣服从国王的命令,在殷勤的方式进行。The courtier obeyed the king's orders in a complaisant manner.

老虎遇到他都会臣服,而比利手持甘露四处撒播。Upon him the Tiger purred, and his hand held manna to scatter.

康奈尔大军臣服了达特茅斯国民军。Cornell's troops turned Dartmouth's militia into a vassal force.

大多数性施虐癖追寻的是一个乐意臣服的性伴侣。Most sadists seek to dominate a willing, submissive sexual partner.

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从此刻起,我将统治整个外域,这里所有人都将臣服于我。From this moment on, Outland and all of its denizens will bow to me.

两年后,他却臣服于中国,同意逐步减少对台军售。Two years later, in deference to China, he agreed to rein in such sales.

心志会臣服于我们自定的法律,但精神却永不屈服。It is the mind that yield to laws made by us, but never the spirit in us.