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请准时入馆。Please arrive on time.

您非常准时。You are very punctual.

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电影准时开演。The film began on time.

我们将无法准时到达。We won't make it in time.

一定准时出席。Be sure to attend on time.

我今天就很准时并且按时开始上课。I did today, I started on time.

工作上准时是绝对必要的。Promptness on the job is a must.

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他们在七点钟准时出发。They started at 7o'clock prompt.

咱们必需准时到那儿。We ought to arrive tITe on time.

这班班机遇准时到达吗?。Will the flight get tITe on time?

我总是准时完成工作。I always get my work done on time.

我不能保证他会准时。I cannot ensure his being on time.

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这班班机会准时到达吗?。Will this flight get there ontime?

欲全程体验,敬请准时出席!For a total experience, be on time!

你能准时完成这项企划案吗?Can you finish this project on time?

不要准时到达——要提早到!Don't come on time but come earlier.

总统要求准时出席。The president wants us to be on time.

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他不可能准时到这儿。There's no way he'll be here on time.

他们设法准时到了那儿。They managed to get there punctually.

我希望你们能准时来上课。I want you to come to lecture on time.