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这药很灵验。This medicine is highly efficacious.

锐化是提矮图像澄辉度的灵验霸术。Sharpening is to enhance the effective method of image sharpness.

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我知道有间月老庙很灵验,我们去拜拜吧!I know of a Matchmaker's Temple that works really well. Let's go worship there!

我说,‘她让我的祷告灵验了——反正钱是出来了,我得买根蜡烛。She answered the prayer—at any rate, the money turned up. I shall have to buy that candle.

这对新情侣确实灵验了,但是Noel感觉到了他们关系的被迫与不自然之处。The new pairing does come to pass, but Noel senses the forced nature of their relationship.

此法对伤风感冒早期出现的咳嗽尤其灵验。The tussis that this models after to snifters early phase turn up is especially efficacious.

这种所谓的“计价效应”在预测消费习惯方面非常灵验。This so-called "denomination effect" can be a powerful predictor of consumer spending habits.

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这是一种恶性循环,对违约的担心存在转变成为一种自我灵验预言的危险。It’s a vicious circle, with fears of default threatening to become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

对于像保罗·加菲尔德这样的人来说,人体冷冻也许永远不会灵验这一事实并不能成为放弃试验的理由。For people like Paul Garfield, the fact that cryonics may never work is no reason for not trying.

牧民都认为若见到龙则是大吉之兆,凡是当着龙所作的一切祈祷均能灵验。Herdsman consider it lucky to see the dragon because prayers to the dragon can always become true.

经灵验厨房清洁剂抹过的瓷砖面清洁明亮,不留半点痕迹。The tile treated with L. O. C. Plus Kitchen Cleaner shows a clear, shiny surface with no streaking !

在他告诉我这个预言不久后,所提到的一切果然都发生了,就算觉得不可能发生的事情也都一一灵验了,我不得由衷的感到佩服。After the prophecy he told me that everything that happened. Even the things that seemed impossible happened.

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同时,国际社会必须承担向穷国提供灵验的艾滋病预防类药物这一令人畏缩的任务。The daunting task of providing proven HIV preventive measures to poor countries must also be tackled, they say.

其中“足浴”更以其简便灵验的特点,盛行千载而不衰。The " foot " with more simple and effective characteristics, prevalence of thousands of years and do not decline.

噩梦果真灵验,有人神秘暴毙,有人离奇遇害。The nightmare is really effective, some people die a violent death mystically, some people are murdered strangely.

另外看到德国出局,阿根廷人的嘴角也许会有一丝笑,那道“马拉多纳魔咒”再次灵验了。Also see out of Germany, Argentina's mouth may have a trace of laughter, that Road "Maradona curse" has come true again.

传说自墙上渗出的圣水相当灵验,可治愈百病,因此吸引许多游客前来许愿。Since the legend of the holy water oozed from the walls rather Lingyan, curable Baibing, Wishing to attract many tourists to come.

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广告收入模式深受许多网络公司的喜爱,但是当网站目标客户是孩子时这种模式就不那么灵验了。Advertising-based revenue models are popular with many online companies but can be a tricky fit when it comes to sites aimed at kids.

谁知,断喉之弩的诅咒再一次灵验,次日清晨大家惊惶的发现娜乌居然失踪了。And behold, break throat of crossbows curse again efforts in the morning everyone be dismayed discovery na uriah incredibly was missing.

男人喜欢不同风情的女人——这一放之四海皆准的真理在纯正的中国男人这里并不灵验,因为“好男人”喜欢保守的女人。Men like different flavor -- it's the sameall over the world -- but intrinsically Chinese men like conservative woman ifhe is a "good" guy.